(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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this is being passed around, can't say I can endorse it, take it for what you will

Really. He hasn't posted a whole page of fake info before, right? Right?
I just realized: I have eyebrows. I am, in fact, one of the evolutions of the 5th Gen Starters. How didn't I know this all along?

Check for yourselves, people: Do you have eyebrows? If so, you're one of the evolutions of the 5th Gen Starters too. Believe it.
Wow. Some people are dedicated.


Lol, I still want to talk about these, so... What is Miju3 based on?
Wow, these people have too much time on their hands when they notice little things like that. LOL.

But nice, more evidence to support it being false. With that, I breath a huge sigh of relief. If those were real, I would've head-desk'd myself so hard that I would get spondylolisthesis.

EDIT: He didn't say the 5th gen evos had eyebrows, he said his source described to him in full detail what the pokemon obscured by pokemon musical items looked like, and the only thing he'll tell us is 'eyebrows'.
Serebii posted that Shellos was indeed the evolution of Lapras. He's not friggin god. They are FAKE deal with it. Tentaquil though is real.

BTW I have eyebrows...

Also Brockguy it was directed at Crashic
@PlayerKing: No, I'm talking about the guy who discovered the tail differences on Tsutaaja's evo.
here's whats up with the starter evos:

- Pokemon Sunday just aired, they said nothing about the starter evos, which adds to the chance they're fake.
- The guy confessed. This has a high chance of being a troll, but, I'm choosing to believe it.

- A fake screen with Pokabu's final was released. Quoting A SITE WHICH MUST NOT BE NAMED:

Just found this picture on 4ch, I previously said the picture could possibly be real, but upon further inspection the text above the HP gauge says “Mijumaru”, the HP should be 150 for a Pokabu evo at level 50 not 137 and it kinda looks like the other Pokemon’s HP gauge says “Yanappu” above it. So it’s a defininte fake. :/ Allthough because this is fake, it does give the starter evos a higher chance of also being fake as well.

I really think wotter's final basically proves it, not that it hasn't been done before, but, it just doesn't seem to be going in the direction that it was in the confirmed second evolution. It had a samurai-like hairstyle, sword holsters, etc, etc. Nothing really points to it losing its bipedalism. Plus, shell blade, which is (obviously) using its shell as a sword, is its signature attack. How would it use it if it doesn't have arms?

Plus, if GameFreak is trying to turn the series around with shiny new things, I doubt they'd give us ANOTHER fire/fighting.
Wow just reading some of these comments on the last two pages has made my IQ drop.

Really, I could careless now if they are fake or not, but if these turn out to be real, there's gonna be a lot people with egg on their face.
I never said he didn't. I even stated that he rarely posts fakes. Hooked on Phonics my friend, it does wonders. Serebii has never claimed to have insider info on something only to have it turn out wrong. Whenever he gets his insider info, it's on the dot. As for the rest of you guys who are so convinced that these are fake, get real.You don't look clever just stupid, the fact that two different sites with two different sources saying that these guys are real doesn't mean anything to you. While there is slim chance of them being fake, they're most likely real. The only reason you guys are looking for these "errors" is because you don't like them. Get over it. You can't like every freaking starter. Man sometimes I pity this fandom.
Erm. Wow..um.
Wow. O_O

I don't understand why people are so determined to prove why they believe they're legitamite/fake. Time will tell. There's tons of information that supports both sides of the arguement.
Not really scuba. All evidence can point in one direction, and the LOGICAL choice would have been wrong. We have a lot of reason to doubt this.
Ahem, I must apologize for the inaccuracies--my own secret source had it mixed up.

I have eyebrows. Ergo, these are indeed the 5th Gen Starters. I am the missing proof to confirm the secret source. One word, people: eyebrows. I have 'em. Truthiness. Deal with it.
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