(1) 'Black' and 'White's' Legendary Mascots: Zekrom, Reshiram [5/28]

Yeah, it's crazy! And that's two games in two years! They're gonna start pumping out Pokemon like crazy!
I hope the games are good and the legendaries have a good role in the game and anime.
Ice Arceus said:
I hope the games are good and the legendaries have a good role in the game and anime.
Yea, the rulers of Time and Space fit REALLY weird in the Anime, and their powers where severely nerfed in the games. "Oh, I'm the ruler of space but you got me in a great ball. Oh well, I'll do Spacial Rend for you"
Shining Raikou said:
"they look like digimon"

People have said this about many new Pokémon when they were first revealed, I remember hearing it when 3rd and 4th gen Pokemon were revealed... People said the same thing about Lucario. Right now these Pokémon just look fresh to our eyes. They will grow on us. :3

You nailed the point, I remember when I first see Kyogre and Groudon and my head keep compare them to Ho-oh and Lugia and they just looked strange with those marking and vicious eyes and Groudon streamline body, etc. Now we just take those for granted.
Shining Raikou said:
"they look like digimon"

People have said this about many new Pokémon when they were first revealed, I remember hearing it when 3rd and 4th gen Pokemon were revealed... People said the same thing about Lucario. Right now these Pokémon just look fresh to our eyes. They will grow on us. :3

Yes, I suppose. The only difference is that they DO have a point now. Compare Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise to Torterra, Infernape and Empoleon. The great amount of details that have been added with each generation is evident, which does NOT mean that these are bad designs but rather that the "they look like Digimon" argument is no longer absurd.

PKMidori said:
jeeze, no complaints here. I think these are the best looking legendary Pokemon since Ho-oh and Lugia.

People are free to discuss their opinions since this is a forum. What you are doing here is imposing your beliefs that we must enjoy what we are given. This is a terrible mindset.

Edit: I might have misinterpreted your message. Your "jeeze" seemed like a complaint toward people who did not like these Pokémon, though.
Um. I believe PKMidori was referring to himself, when he said 'no complaints here.' As in, he likes them :\

I do like them, though I can't say I'm just super-excited for them. You see, playing HeartGold reminded me of how much I love Ho-oh and Lugia, even though they had such simple and sleek designs. Thus, I was hoping for something a little more simple this gen. But ah well, I'll happily admit that I do really like these designs.

By the way, I think only Zekrom looks a tad un-Pokemonish. Reshiram, I think, does not look over-the-top (well, except for maybe the tail) and looks exactly like a Pokemon would, what with the sleek, furry body. I think it's all that armor on Zekrom that makes it look odd, compared to other Pokemon.
Before I comment on the legendaries, I want to thank both the Pokemon Company of Japan and America.

Thank you Japan for not creating silhouettes of these new Pokemon. What happened with the three starters was beyond ridiculous. I understand hyping up these games, but trolling us with silhouettes and causing the fanbase to literally go insane is the not the way to do this. Thanks.

Thank you America for finally realizing that we actually learn about these things ahead of time. While its understandable to not reveal everything Japan does, what happened with the Darkrai reveal and Diamond and Pearl wasn't the right way to go. (Darkrai was revealed 2 weeks before the movie came out...DP were revealed 4 months before their release) I was pleased to see an "early" reveal of Arceus and HGSS. While I am of the personal opinion that the games should have been revealed a little later down the road, (10 months ahead is a bit too far imo) I still like this way better than what you were doing in 2006/7/8 with the latter parts of Gen 3 and the first half of Generation 4.

Oh, and thanks for screwing the PC people out there by keeping "Black" and "White" as the titles. (And tbh, anyone who thought they were racist needs to get a mental and psychological test immediately.)

After all that rambling, onto the legendaries. I personally like Reshiram (sp?) better than Zekrom. While I will admit I still like the Generation I and II legendaries better, these are better than Groudon/Kyogre and miles better than Dialga/Palkia. (I still haven't grown to like them, especially Dialga). As for types, Zekrom will probably be Dark/Dragon. I'm unsure of a Light type for Reshiram, but it's not out of the question. Normal/Dragon sounds too bland for a box legendary. (and how can kids hype up a "normal" type?)

I like the RAM and ROM theory. My guess it they will represent Good Vs. Evil. Someone on Smogon mentioned that Reshiram looks like an ancient Japanese legend, while Zekrom looks like a modern man-made monster. It could fit with a technology vs. nature theme that Isshu appears to have. I suppose the "new major difference" will be a plot change between the two of them. (Sorta like RS, but taken further.)
I think Pokemon are starting to step on each other's toes a bit. lol.God, Time, space, Continents ,sea. Whats left?

I wanna to see the heavens and the underworld. Reshiram will be the guardian of the heavens and Zekrom the ruler of the underworld. I know it will never happen but we did get a ''god'' so who knows.
I liked them in the beginning like I said in my earlier post but looking to them again and to the rest of gen V pokémon, I think all of them suck.
It's not because they look like digimon or their designs are complex or whatever. You people keep saying gen IV was terrible and Dialga & Palkia are horrible but to me generation IV is the best generation so far. And I'm not saying this because "I got used to them", I liked them from the moment I saw them.
The generation IV designs are more complex and detailed (and cooler IMO) and i think that's good but more important: (if i'm not wrong) there isn't a single pokémon from generation IV that look like pokémon from earlier generations.
I'm not liking these new pokémon cuz most of them look like previous pokémon. Zorua kinda looks like a black vulpix; tsutaaja (although I like it) vaguely resembles treecko; pokabu looks like a fire turtwig because of its silhouete; if you take mijumaru's ears off, it almost has the same bodyshape of piplup, everytime I look to mijumaru I see Piplup; Reshiram (with the exception of its head and tail) looks like Lugia (specially its wings/arms); and Zekrom basically has Palkia's lower body part. I just don't like that. I remember when I 1st saw Plusle, it looked like I found Pikachu and I still don't like Plusle (and Minun to a lesser extent) to this day. Only Zoroark looks completly original to me.

I have to say again that I believe people are wrong when they say Dialga & Palkia have bad designs but that's just my opinion.
Why do people keep saying Tsutaaja is a Treecko clone? Just because it's a green reptile that stands on two legs? If it stood on four, would it then be a Bulbasaur/Chikorita/Turtwig clone?
Maybe this is interesting:

If you translate レシラム (Reshiramu) in Google Translator from Japanese to English and delete all the other symbols except the last one ム , Google says it means "system" in english oO ... The same goes with Zekrom`s ム ("mu")
So it seems like ム means "system" in English.
Maybe because Reshiram got the whole system of sky in its hands...(and maybe Zekrom got the system of the opposite...maybe hell ?!)

To have also said it (at least once xP): I`m gonna catch the Black Version :) In spring 2011 *happy dance*
If it is, that means their names are black system and white system.... god, alot of people on here are good at figuring out these things.
Well if there names are Black system and White system it could also mean that these pokemon could fit in with the "good" and "evil" aspect.
Ice Arceus said:
I'm surprised that Pokemon.com has revealed Pokemon Black & White. I thought it might take another 3 months for Pokemon.com to reveal anything about Pokemon Black & White. Though I'm really excited about the games and legendaries. :)

I'm going to also be drawing the legendaries today. Its gonna take a while. :|

I thought it would be dragged out too. They seem to be releasing info earlier than in the past.
I drew another version of Reshiram a few days ago.
Here is it:
Like it ??? ;)
i love it! you're great!!

Tensho said:
You nailed the point, I remember when I first see Kyogre and Groudon and my head keep compare them to Ho-oh and Lugia and they just looked strange with those marking and vicious eyes and Groudon streamline body, etc. Now we just take those for granted.

Very true. I first looked at Reshiram like "WTH he's got a boner!"
But now I actually think I'm going to get Black Version because Reshiram has grown on me a lot with it's feathery angelicness.

goldedda said:
wow these 2 pokemon reprsent blue eyes white dragon and red eyes black dragon from yugioh


kaorusquee said:
Reshiram... reshi, for anyone who watches Bleach? Could that mean it's a spirit?

Hahah a reishi is a mushroom too!
i am a big fan of pokemon!!!i'm 12 years old,and i've bought every pokemon game there is.all games are good,Just cant wait for Pokemon Black and White!!!!!!After your done with that, you should make a pokemon game where you start in Kanto, and go all the way to Isshu, that new region in Isshu in Pokemon Black and White, and both legendaries are amazing!!!!!