(1) Another Crazy Laptop Story For Your Enjoyment [1/17]

Lol owned? Glad you didn't have 2 laptops stolen, that would just suck. xD' And also I'm preeetty sure that most Warranties don't cover for theft...
i concur and yelling is an effective method (of employment), however being as I am a brutally violent person, people don't come near me in my city cause they know this, throw a few 100-150 pound object's in anger cause someone stole your food and people leave you alone, imagine that. in this scenario it would have looked like something out of the shinning after he started reaching for it (disturbing someone randomly on the lappy not cool, joining them, thats different story). I enjoyed your crazy story of irony. cya
That's all you guys have to say? >_>

Honestly, I'm horrified that a random chubby guy on a bicycle would try and doing something like that.

Seriously, you're a completely innocent person sitting down enjoying your WiFi and this random guy not only attempts to steal your laptop, but almost pulled a knife out too.

Wtf has this world come to, and you two posters act like it was nothing, saying it would be terrible to lose 2 laptops in a month, No, it was terrible that someone even attempted to do something like this.

Situations like this should NOT happen, especially when someone is visiting their blind aunt and minding their business, just think if the guy would have pulled out the knife and stabbed him, we'd never know about it. Or if his little brother was the one in this situation. That man could've chosen any random person outside to mug or kill.

The sad thing is, this probably does happen all the time and it really is no big deal, but we should not be living in a world where we're used to crap like that.

So many people in this world are disgusting...
I'm sorry that happened to you! The Outskirts of LA are bad news, Once while there, this crazy homeless guy attacked me in a subway
(the restaurant) saying I stole his money!
Now I just drive through it with my windows and doors locked on my way into the city! (I DON'T STOP FOR A SUB) XD

CloudLink said:
That's all you guys have to say? >_>

Honestly, I'm horrified that a random chubby guy on a bicycle would try and doing something like that.

Seriously, you're a completely innocent person sitting down enjoying your WiFi and this random guy not only attempts to steal your laptop, but almost pulled a knife out too.

huh? has this world come to, and you two posters act like it was nothing, saying it would be terrible to lose 2 laptops in a month, No, it was terrible that someone even attempted to do something like this.

Situations like this should NOT happen, especially when someone is visiting their blind aunt and minding their business, just think if the guy would have pulled out the knife and stabbed him, we'd never know about it. Or if his little brother was the one in this situation. That man could've chosen any random person outside to mug or kill.

The sad thing is, this probably does happen all the time and it really is no big deal, but we should not be living in a world where we're used to crud like that.

So many people in this world are disgusting...

This post was depressing...
There are more good people in this world than bad, it's just a matter of protecting yourself and surrounding yourself with good people!
really in a world were anybody can randomly buy a knife for 4$ and kill someone for 4000$ is sad, but this is the world we live in, and there really is nothing we can do because to kill is purely against the law and if you get away with it there's a 50-50 chance you get caught. cop's don't really care because there's to much for them to handle and if you so called take the law into your hand's your just like them so really the whole thing is person so when you make the statement, so many people in this world are disgusting... you might as well add cop's to the list. at most anyone can do is a civil arrest like a vigilante but you can get charged with so much gay s**t just because of it, so in the end it's no use, being as I've spent a small part of my life in a cop shop I know in the end it's BS. cya

P.S. the outskirt's of LA remind me of calgary (o_O), there is way's around it, but they involve precis planing. I'm not cynical about cop's i've just never seen them doing anything useful other then take call's and arrest people on the scene of the crime, because taking wild hunch's to arrest people (which crime would drop by 40%, I did this for 6 month's, bait and tag as I call it) is apparently against police procedure, anyways i'm rambling. the moral of this story is don't steal my food so I don't have to hunt you down. (lol)
Ouch... sorry that happened to you WPM. If it was me in there, the first thing I would've screamed as well (I'm a LOUD screamer, if anyone has heard me.)

But... a chubby guy on a bike? You wouldn't see a criminal like that these days X_X
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow. That bites worse than a hacked Magikarp. IMO.... Stay away from Lappies, get a nice Desktop, where it won't move, or get stolen from Fry's. Also man oh man, geez WPM =/= Laptops
I live in AZ,but if I ever go on a long trip[More then 2 hours] I bring Pepper Spray and it works wonders! Hope you have better luck WPM.
I have used pepper spray before.
Well the important thing is that you're okay.

But in all seriousness, that's a pretty crazy story. I hope you have better luck the next time you're using your laptop in a public area. :p
In my country, robber just don't use the traditional way of "threatening" people anymore..... They slash their target (they usually act in group) with machete, then rob your valuables..... :(
You're lucky things didn't escalate. Unfortunately you have to be weary of strangers because you don't know what their intentions are. Either way I'm glad you made it out ok.

Divine_Light said:
And after this, you still live in Cali?!

Crime is everywhere, not just confined to California. Moving wouldn't solve that problem.
A chubby guy on a bike o_O. Good you got away safely, you did the right thing by screaming before he took anything out of his pocket and by staying calm and trying to ignore that guy. If your in a public place with strangers acting a bit weird just run.
Man, that sucks. You have terrible luck, and really don't deserve all this crap. :(

So what was the Pokemon Sunday update with the question mark, anyway? It got built up all week and then the only allusion in this post was that there's "no news," and I guess we're to assume that the announcement was missed because of this terrible debacle. Did they just announce the new Ranger entry?
That sucks WPM. I surprised but glad you never got stabbed. This 'thief' is obviously not an effective one. If you are going to pursue a career as a thief, always use a weapon, makes life easier :D. But in all honesty, you would have got stabbed where I live for fun :/