“Battle Partners” Set to Release in Japan in January, Return of Owner’s Pokemon!

TAG TEAMS ARE BACK-- wait please don't be 3 prizers please don't be 3 prizers please please please
They better be 3 prizers. In a world where something like Paladin ex with a Hero’s Cape is a 440HP stage one that only gives up two prizes, power creep has gone too far.
They better be 3 prizers. In a world where something like Paladin ex with a Hero’s Cape is a 440HP stage one that only gives up two prizes, power creep has gone too far.
And adding 3 prizers back will fix the power creep?? You know, famously adding 3 prizers in the first place kinda kicked off the worst era of power creep in Pokemon TCG history; from which we're only really recovering from this year. They had to buff HP on things in order to sorta "reverse" the power creep. Also Palafin ex isn't even good, and even if it was good, I don't think anyone would be playing Hero's Cape with it.
And adding 3 prizers back will fix the power creep?? You know, famously adding 3 prizers in the first place kinda kicked off the worst era of power creep in Pokemon TCG history; from which we're only really recovering from this year. They had to buff HP on things in order to sorta "reverse" the power creep. Also Palafin ex isn't even good, and even if it was good, I don't think anyone would be playing Hero's Cape with it.
Will it fix power creep? No. Will it limit power creep? Yes. A Tag Team ex with nearly 400HP which gives up three prizes is never ideal, but a 400HP Tag Teag ex which only gives up two prizes is infinitely worse.
They better be 3 prizers. In a world where something like Paladin ex with a Hero’s Cape is a 440HP stage one that only gives up two prizes, power creep has gone too far.
Palafin ex is an honorary stage 2, requiring the use of other cards to get it in play and active in two turns like how proper stage 2s need rare candy
They better be 3 prizers. In a world where something like Paladin ex with a Hero’s Cape is a 440HP stage one that only gives up two prizes, power creep has gone too far.
I cannot wait to see how dumb you look when these are clearly not going to be TAG TEAMS. You obviously did not live through the owner’s pokemon era and the double crisis set during XY.