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    BW/BW2 Good and Evil Team?

    I think that having a good and evil team would make a better story then the same old thing, and you could help out the good team and stop the evil one with them. What do you think about Black and White having a good team?
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    BW/BW2 New Max level?

    I am hoping that they change the max level from 100 to like 120 or higher. You could have more gyms, a stronger elit four, the battle frontier would be so epic. Does anyone else want this to happen?
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    BW/BW2 Castform evo

    Does anyone else think they will make a castform evo to go along with the sky changing theme?
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    BW/BW2 Pokabu... The Aardvark Pokemon???

    Despite popular beliefs, I don't think that Pokabu will be a pig... I think pokabu will be an aardvark. Why? You ask. You question this? You say I am wrong? Well... Pokabu has long ears and a pig snout... but doesn't an Aardvark have long ears and a pig snout? Am I the only one who sees a...
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    BW/BW2 Religion in Pokemon B&W

    I have seen the prescence of Confuciansm in the game, the whole Yin and Yang thing. Maybe more aspects of the game could be based on this religion aswell, what do you think?
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    Pokemon Generation 5 new evo form

    What do you guys think will be the new way for some pokemon to evolve in pokemon gen5?