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  1. C

    Ruling Garchomp MD ?

    If you use Garchomp X to get a Espeon MD, does the body still work? I think it does.
  2. C

    Ruling Dialga X tin

    This may be a rule question if I find this out!!! In the new Dialga tin, Is it Dialga X or Dialga GX?
  3. C

    Ruling Shaymin

    I saw at the prerelease today I noticed that Shaymin Sky Form has the same name as the normal Shaymin, so technically can you play the Sky Lv.X on the Regular Shaymin?
  4. C

    Funny Halloween Pictures

    Put Haloween pictures here.
  5. C

    Ruling Mime

    MT Mr. mimes pokebody does it mean that if they have +2 mor NRG they cant attack mime
  6. C

    kingdra. thats it.

    i got a kingdra{W} from the LA prerelease, its not as good as hyped up 2 be:(
  7. C

    Pokemon arceus

    if arcues was the first pokemon born, then how was he "born"?
  8. C

    Honchkrow deck IDEAS!!!!

    what r good decks 2 go w/ honchcrows no deck lists:)
  9. C

    Ruling md raichu ?

    (C) Agility: 20 Damage. Flip a coin: if heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to raichu during your opponents next turn. my friend thinks that includes benched raichu. Does it?