Brave Vesperia
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  • Is that one of your favorite Tales games? :D I had decided upon getting a ps3 instead. If only a Tales Game would come to the 3DS like they are for the Vita, would be awesome to play Tales on the go, and I could call every gaming session "Story Time!"
    Brave Vesperia, Wow! I think these D-Arms are going to end up putting the Weapons Shop out of business though. I'm pretty much working on collecting them all, "All Divide" is amazing for those fights.

    Yeah, I think I'll like Graces, but there is no other way to find out but to play the game. :D Any other Tales games I should look into?
    Wow! And, I have just Tales of Xillia for now, but plan to get Tales of Graces and Tales of Xillia 2 at the start of next month. I had played through Jude Mathis' side a while ago during christmas, but wasn't quite used to the controls and everything. I restarted, quickly caught up to where I was at, but I think I overleveled in the process. I'm nearing level 60 with the whole party, about to meet Gaius for the first time just coming from Xian Du. And the extra-hard bosses, I've sorta...defeated, and took their weapons.
    I was busy so I wasn't on as much as I liked. But everyone returns to the beach, eventually. Oh! And I did check out Tales of Xillia after hearing you talk about it before, it's pretty good and has gotten me hooked on the Tales series. :D
    Brave Vesperia, I know who you are haha, no need to tell me. How have you been lately? :3
    Brave Vesperia,
    I haven't been playing too recently, but I'm definitely new to the game. I don't have anyone to play with, so I usually play online. However, I do have trouble finding specific energies, and I did post on a trading thread offering some energies, but I still need some help finding a good way to get them.
    Yes, and basically i had a problem with IVs, i know about Destiny Knot and Everstone, but whenever i'm trying to breed a perfect 6 IVed pokemon, it always always is like 4-5 IVed. And believe me, i tried to do many things, and put different IVed pokemon with another of the same species - or Ditto - with different IVs, but it's still 4-5 IVed only. Right now, im going to sleep, but my biggest concern, is to make a modest Mareep. :p
    No, unfortunetly, i don't have a Showdown account. The last 5 days i'm studying about competitive battles, natures, and especially abilities and IVs along with EVs. I made some pokemon with flawless 5 IVs only. And i'm in the process of making a modest Mareep, but it is haaaard to make one, i have like 30 Mareeps in the box. XD
    Hey! Hello there, well, actually there's so many things that i want to learn, but i don't want to bother you, right now, i'm trying to make my dream team, because i'm going to participate in the upcoming tournament in my City.
    Brave Vesperia, Hard to say for sure; I like all of them for different reasons. If I had to pick one... I'd probably have to go with Yuri (because he's a total badass). I also like Estelle a lot (her naivete is great comic relief). As far as non-party characters go... Don Whitehorse is also awesome. Rita for you, I'm assuming by the avatar?
    Brave Vesperia, I think for the most part I'm pretty good, but I definitely appreciate the offer. Right now I'm mostly focused on acquiring deck staples (Trainers, Darkrai-EX, etc), but I'm well on my way at this point. With that said, I could use a little help on my deck (it's in the Deck Garage, titled Gallapede (Gallade/Scolipede).

    On an unrelated note... Tales of Vesperia is awesomesauce.
    Brave Vesperia, Oh okay thanks! I really like the donphan Idea..I have trevenants so I could make the deck :) the other one seems good but those landorus ex's are too much lol
    Brave Vesperia, Yeah! So Im trying to get into TCG and I've been building my own decks but I've only played against my boyfriend, who I can beat 9/10 times. And thats not a good judge of a deck. Apparently theres nothing worth doing where I live so I cant ever find a league or a tournament to try my deck. I recently found out there was going to be regionals in Indiana and I want to take my deck there but Im not sure if its "regionals worthy" Its a combo of darkrai ex, hawlucha ex, and tyrantrum.
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