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  • In case you are interested, Create-A-Card June is up. I know you said you might try it out, so there's a heads-up.
    Nowi, there's a link in my signature that says something like "Create-A-Card May 2013". It's something I do once a month. I'm grading this month's entries, and I'll post the next month's contest around June 1st.

    Basically it's you either try to create a Pokemon TCG card, either the whole image or just the text-based portion, and you get graded on a variety of factors. The winners get enshrined in a Hall of Fame and earn the respect of their peers and stuff.

    That make sense?
    Nowi, would that big imagination happen to involve hiding in a cardboard box? :p

    DNA's feeling pretty good today. Just wrapped up a short story for a competition going on in the Writer's Corner right now, and I'm quite pleased with myself for it. Sometime in the next couple days I'll go proof it. Then I need to go grade this month's Create-A-Card.

    But I feel lazy now that finals are done...stupid me.
    Nowi, I didn't even know you had TV where you were! I assumed you'd be always on the march so TV would be impractical.
    The lack of electricity totally would have nothing to do with it.
    Nowi, even throwing rocks at snakes? Just make sure you don't throw your special keepsake by mistake; you might lose it!
    Nowi, u mad Aelita?
    Also, I see DNA has seeked you out. Lucky. I HAD TO SPEAK TO HIM AND HE KNEW ME BEFOREHAND!
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