Recent content by MMXU

  1. MMXU

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    Anyone have the link to the japanese B/W global link/dream world site? I wish to see something.
  2. MMXU

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    It's probably nintendo of america since the games aren't out here yet. We already know about the 3 secret legendary pokemon as well, something were not suppose to know for a couple of years, lol.
  3. MMXU

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    Anybody have any info on the multiplayer system for this generation? What I mean by that is, for ex: Gen 3 had the secret base thing. I liked looking for my friends base since they tried so hard for me not to find it, I considered it a whole new quest. 4th gen had the underground tunnels and...
  4. MMXU

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    The trainers don't move much in battle during their intro's like gym leaders and what not from platinum. I think Belle and cheren have some kind of animation before they throw their pokeballs out but I think that's it from what Ive seen so far. Also, the gyms look so much more awsome this time...
  5. MMXU

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Just realized from the list that this generation really favors fighting types. So many half type pokemon that are fighting and many fighting type pokemon. An elite 4 member is also a fighting type user. Jeez >_>;;
  6. MMXU

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Hmmm, this would make Belle, the second female to be a champion in all of the pokemon games. Although, it still hasn't been confirmed if this is true for both versions or if it's entirely true at all.
  7. MMXU

    (1) Isshu's Gym Leader's Revealed! [9/15]

    Lol, I find it interesting how the Ice type gym leaders are always the 7th ones. Pryce, Candice, and now this one. I might be missing another since I can't remember much of this particular thing at the moment. Wasn't the Icicle badge used before? o_0
  8. MMXU

    (1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

    Too many legendaries? What? Lol, one of the main reasons I look forward to new pokemon games is to see all the awsome, new legendaries to be found in those games. I thought sinnoh had some awsome legendary pokemon, not to mention the kick ass themes for alot of them. I really am looking forward...
  9. MMXU

    (2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

    I can only assume it to be a new legendary pokemon since it seems to have such a huge influence on the next coming movie....that is if it is Z, otherwise, this might be another lucario and the mystery of mew were a non legendary becomes pretty much one of the main characters in the new movie...
  10. MMXU

    Ruling Sand Reset ruling

    Nice, thanks for the clarrification.
  11. MMXU

    Ruling Rainbow Float Poke-Body?

    Alright, just making sure. Thanks for the reply.
  12. MMXU

    Ruling Rainbow Float Poke-Body?

    Flygon from RR Poke-body says... Rainbow Float If any basic Energy card attached to Flygon is the same type as any of your pokemon, the retreat cost for those pokemon is 0. My question is, how would this work in a colorless pokemon's case? Im thinking it's impossible for colorless...
  13. MMXU

    Ruling Sand Reset ruling

    I actually need some help with this just to shed some light on some of the disputes i've recently had with my friends about this cards power. Does it really take back whatever is in your discard pile, and in the lost zone back into the deck and is that even considered "In play"? As for the...
  14. MMXU

    Ruling Can Energy Gain reduce cost to 0?

    I don't think he's allowed to draw up to three cards for free seeing as how it only says to draw 2 cards unless he was using amulet coin or some other source that said otherwise.
  15. MMXU

    [Spoiler Alert] Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai, Review Thread

    For anyone who wants to watch the movie without downloading can visit this link to see it. It's low quality but it's still very good to watch. 10th Pokemon Movie Credit:Crunchyroll website and the person who uploaded it for all to watch.