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  • don()shinobi, I'm going to assume the early game presence, since for {F} it can do 20-20. That seems to be the most likely explanation.
    don()shinobi, it's not better. You can BTH, D-Prison, or even Solemn it. You can't do that to Effect Veiler.
    My decks are notoriously weak to Effect Veiler.
    don()shinobi, that's definitely interesting. And it's only RANK 4 too, which means when we get it, it might end up being a staple for a lot of decks, even if it gets nerfed a bit.
    I read the entirety of the Konami article on DN.
    I had no idea what the difference was until my friend just said "no more priority".

    They sure know how to say a lot of words to not get the point across.
    Note to self: A/D Changer can only be activated on my turn.
    I didn't know this until I looked it up.
    I built Empty Jar.
    Of course, the first thing I run into is Dark World, and he pops Morphing Jar almost immediately.

    Even so, I was only one turn away from winning. I think it did well.
    I just got this awesome idea. It uses these cards:

    ~Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
    ~King Tiger Wanghu
    ~Quillbolt Hedgehog
    ~Imperial Iron Wall
    ~Zombie World
    ~Any Tuner monster, preferably one with a lot of ATK

    How it works:
    Have IIW and Zombie World active beforehand; summon the Tower, then Wanghu after that; also control the Tuner monster. Use Quillbolt's effect to summon itself; Wanghu will blow it up and your opponent mills 2 cards. Keep doing this until the opponent runs out of cards.

    It's like Empty Jar, but funnier. All I need do is make it work.

    Oh wait, you wanted a laugh? Fine...
    don()shinobi, that sounds like something you could do with a Gadget deck.

    ...oh dear.
    don()shinobi, he is one of, if not my favorite Synchro Monsters - not only because it's level 9 and his upgrade is level 11 (I like level 11 monsters a lot), but he pierces and heals at the same time.

    And he's strangely easy to summon, even though Overdrive Teleporter takes a giant chunk out of me to do so.
    I actually ran into a hilariously bad player once.
    He summoned the level 8 0/0 creature to the field...while I had HPB active. Then he misplayed and wasn't able to Overlay. #freewin

    And speaking of HPB, I bought a UTR one for $5 at a local card shop. The foil was off by 1mm down or so :p
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