News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

It has two retreat and an ability completely nullified by Choice Band. It will never, ever see life outside of the binder.

mfw one of my favorite Pokemon of all time is once again disregarded

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So is every GX card we get just gonna be a kind of reprint? I want to see these Pokemon get actual new text as GX cards. I was looking forward to Kyogre GX but seems like it's just gonna be an enhanced version of a previous card. :/
You could run Lysandres Lab to negate the additional damage from a choice band, banette from Roaring Skies in expanded as well. After you have those up you can go for some energy denial, for example since buzzwole can go for odd or even, play the Magic Odds and do whatever you can to keep it from getting 3 energy on it.
Heads up, the Spinarak is not an exact reprint. Original had weakness to psychic. Might want to change that to spiritual reprint in the footnote.
It honestly looks like a lot of these cards haven't been buffed enough unfortunately making it very similar looking to an evolutions style set
Oranguru from Ultra Prism plus Underground Expedition...

Oh boy...
Looker does basically the same thing and it never surmounted into a legit deck either unfortunately

Really all of the mons look super underwhelming in terms of todays meta.

Really only magcargo seems decent and Solrock + Lunatone (solrock + lunatone being 2 bench sitters that act as ability lock potentially starting by t1)
Mr. Mime-GX - Now this is interesting, but damage buffers like Choice Band would break this thing. Well, Choice Band breaks The ability because it gives +30 not +20 so for example you are facing an Odd Mr. Mime and you are going to deal 130, then it will block that odd number, with Choice Band, you'll gonna break Mr. Mime's Odd Blocking ability, you gonna also get the KO because Mr.Mime has 150 HP. 3-4 Geodudes
even more nostalgic than evolutions. im so happy copycat is back, ive been wanting it so bad since hgss. all the throwback art looks amazing. thank you Pokémon youre back on my good side :D

edit/upboat/TFTgoldstrangler; rarecandy looks so cool, cant wait to get a playset of all these. finally actually excited about the new cards again!!!!!!
Mr. Mime-GX - Now this is interesting, but damage buffers like Choice Band would break this thing. Well, Choice Band breaks The ability because it gives +30 not +20 so for example you are facing an Odd Mr. Mime and you are going to deal 130, then it will block that odd number, with Choice Band, you'll gonna break Mr. Mime's Odd Blocking ability, you gonna also get the KO because Mr.Mime has 150 HP. 3-4 Geodudes

SHHH dont tell anyone but just play 4 feild blower. or play the bannett that blocks tool effects ... and isnt there a stadium coming out that negates tool effects?