Absolute Perfection — One Last Look at Mew Box for Worlds

We are only a few days from the 2019 Pokemon World Championships, and the official beginning of the 2020 Regionals season at the D.C. Open. There isn’t too much time left to decide on a deck or make last-minute changes. If you’ve decided on a deck already, then I highly recommend continuing to grind through games with it, against as many decks and as many deck variations as you can. If you haven’t decided yet, or you are still looking for a deck to wow you, then there is one more deck that I want to go over before the tournaments begin. Even if you have decided, then be sure and let this be one more deck to add to your last-minute testing arsenal.
The deck that I’m going over in this article is Mew Box. It’s an updated variant of Grant Manley’s defensive Mew Toolbox deck that he wrote about earlier last month. If you know me well, you know that I’m fond of “box-style” decks. I tend to play them when I can; not only are they versatile, but it’s fun to be able to use so many attackers at once! Because of this fondness, it wasn’t much of a surprise that Mewtwo and Mew-GX caught my eye. It’s a Pokemon that can utilize any Pokemon-GX in the game! There have been quite a few efforts to make this deck competitively viable, and not all have been successful. With this list, I believe that Mew Box can occupy a strong place in the meta. It’s tricky to play a reactive deck into an unknown meta, but Mew Box has enough strategies that can make the opponent react to it, instead of the other way around. On top of that, the variety of attackers that Mew Box can utilize gives it an advantage over other decks, since they allow it to be competitive against a wider variety of decks and strategies. If you don’t know what to expect, then why not be prepared for everything?
If you’re still agonizing over your play for Worlds or the Open, or want to explore one of the most exciting and fun concepts to come out of Unified Minds, then check this deck out!
This concludes the public portion of this article.
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