‘Pokemon X’ and ‘Pokemon Y’ Announced! Worldwide Released in October 2013!

Update (6:00 AM) – Noted some new observations below about the two Legendary Pokemon’s designs.

Pokemon X and Y!

The sixth generation Pokemon games will be titled Pokemon X and Pokemon Y and will be released worldwide in October 2013! According to Satoru Iwata, it took the Pokemon team seven years of collaboration to finally be able to achieve a simultaneous release. The games will be in full 3D and will use cel shaded CG graphics – gone are the days of 2D sprites! Could the titles X and Y be hinting at a DNA theme, as the Japanese logos appear to show? Or could it be based on coordinates (X, Y, Z)? Will Pokemon Z be the third title or XX and XY the sequels?

Five brand new Pokemon were revealed. The Grass-type Starter is named Chespin (Harimaron), the Fire-type Starter is named Fennekin (Fokko), and the Water-type Starter is named Froakie (Keromatsu). Is it just me or will this be the first time that everyone will like all of the Starters right off the bat?

Two Legendary Pokemon were also shown, presumably the mascots (TPCi released a press release confirming they are Legendaries). One is a red bird-like creature while the other is some sort of elk with rainbow-colored antlers. The bird is shaped like a red Y while the elk will probably be shaped like an X when it’s actually standing on the ground – it also has X irises. The elk has one red eye and one blue eye and the bird has blue eyes. What do you think these design choices mean?

The setting of the games appears to resemble Paris. You roam in full 3D, CG worlds (watch the video below to be completely blown away). The player can even swing from vines and traverse the landscape in rollerblades! The graphics are truly beautiful and this sort of improvement has been needed for years. Thank you Pokemon for finally evolving our franchise to the next level.

Feel free to discuss all this exciting news on our forums. If you haven’t joined PokeBeach forums yet, now is your chance!

Chespin, the Grass-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Chespin, the Grass-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Chespin, the Grass-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Fennekin, the Fire-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Fennekin, the Fire-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Fennekin, the Fire-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Froakie, the Water-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Froakie, the Water-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Froakie, the Water-type Pokemon X and Y Starter Pokemon X and Y Mascot Pokemon X and Y Mascot Pokemon X and Y Mascot