
Still trying to finish this book, but nooo, just have to keep posting news daily. :p Remember, we will be covering Worlds tomorrow through Sunday, and your suggestions on how we should do it would be helpful.

New Diamond and Pearl Cards – Fakes – I saw these cards several days ago and have been checking with people and sources to determine if they are real. Some of you have probably seen them on several forums and websites as well. I have discovered that they were created by a very talented card artist, Cascade Gon Pory. The fakes were so convincing that many websites posted them up as real, and even now, some people still deny that they are fake. Pretty good fakes, Cascade! I pretty much thought they were real too, until I did a little digging and found out they were done by such an amazing artist. Another Fakemon! Click the links below for the pictures.

Second Set of Images
First Set of Images
Original Fake Card Poster Picture
Different Arrangement of Cards
Kittunder’s Fake Card