Beldum and Metang Promos, New COTW

Beldum and Metang Promos, New COTW
By: [Water Pokémon Master] — Monday – May 17th, 2004

»Beldum and Metang Promos: A few Gym Challenges this weekend received different Beldum promos and one even received the Stadium Challenge promos, Metang! Apparently, Nintendo messed up somewhere and accidentally sent out a Beldum promo that was blackstar promo #22, and that did not even have a Gym Challenge stamp on it. To see the card scan from Kyogre from the PokeGym, you can click the Beldum thumbnail on the right. One Gym Challenge received the Stadium promo, Metang. The card is labeled blackstar promo #23, and can be seen, thanks to RainbowRichards, by clicking the Metang promo on the right. Weird, ay? Once we get information on what happened here, we will bring it to you first.

»New Card of the Week: Swanton1717 has a new Card of the Week this week. What does he look at? EX Sandstorm Omastar, the evolution remover! To read his review on the card, you can visit our Card of the Week section by [clicking here].

News/Event Reminders

»Be sure to sign up for our Pokemon Apprentice League in the forums if you have downloaded Apprentice. If you want to download Apprentice and sign up for our league, join our message boards by [clicking here], and then going to Pokemon League under Apprentice League and reading through the three topics, which is where you download it and sign up.