What's the most annoying to you ?

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Ryuu7 said:
When I keep failing and losing and not doing it right while someone besides me kept doing it right and winning.

When people disturb me when I'm in a fuss/concentrating.
That's called jealousy. And phailURE is PWNSOME, be proud.

Noobnerd said:
1. Fundamentalists

2. Camwhores

3. Bimbos

4. Fanboys

5. Radicals

6. Arrogant people
I agree with the fundamentalist thing. I want to be respectful of other peoples religions, but SOME Christians seem to think "the almighty Bible(come on, it's a BOOK. These fundamentalists WORSHIP the thing)" applies to everything in life. That rant felt so good.
But, I'm a fanboy.
BM1014 said:
1. Noobnerd
2. People that say many things when you greet them.
3. Me being lost now.
I kinda say a lot when someone greets me...

Galefail said:
1. Fanatics.

2. Teenagers.

3. People who attempt to make a stupid point without any facts or something backing them up.

4. Psychiatrists.

5. Youtube.
I have a problem with 80% of that. I'm a teenager fanatic who loves Youtube. And the PSYCHIATRIST in "What About Bob?" PWNS!
Oh, yeah, what annoys me? My dad. A lot. Even though I love him so much! ^^ How can anyone so annoying be so loved...?

People who think that they like is the best, always

Cool people, who think they are cool

People who think Rock Music is good, it's not Heavy Meatal is the best

Food that smiles

Emoticons & Winks

Dark Marc said:

People who think that they like is the best, always

Cool people, who think they are cool

People who think Rock Music is good, it's not Heavy Meatal is the best

Food that smiles

Emoticons & Winks

But if they're cool, they should at least know it...
When your on MSN and your not talking to someone because there is nothing to talk about and then they throw a hissy fit about you don't like them and such because your not talking to them.

People who hurt you or annoy you for no reason.

People who pull of stunts in class to be cool.

People who don't do their schoolwork and talk while other people ( eg: me) are trying to get a decent job and life via studying.

People who don't appreciate anything ( though I may be being a hypocrite there)


People who try to make a point with no evidence and they are wrong yet they win the argument

p33p's l1k d1s wh0 spk l1k dis k by txt bk

I have a lot of thing's that get me angry...
Really loud noises.


People who never do their work in school and then just try to copy off of other people.

My little brother is really annoying most of the time.

People who drive like idiots.

People who throw things onto the ground instead of in the trash.

The prices of hardcover books.

Trash on the ground, 3 feet away from a trash can.

Electronics in general.

iPods in particular.

People who walk around with iPods plugged into their faces 24/7.

Obnoxious parents at Pokemon events.


Popular culture encouraging children to become gangsters, thieves, or simply selfish, lazy, and stupid.


The amount of images allowed on PokeBeach.

Silly people who think that lying and paranoia are bad things.

Modern music.

Intentional mis-spellings.

Yeah, I'm easily annoyed.
meowth14 said:
Really loud noises.


People who never do their work in school and then just try to copy off of other people.

My little brother is really annoying most of the time.

People who drive like idiots.

People who throw things onto the ground instead of in the trash.

Bullies aren't that bad... at least not while I'm around. :p I'm a peacemaker like that. (literally)

Yes, stupid drivers do tend to suck.

I hate it when my chain of Pokémon breaks at 39. (frickin' Floatzel broke mah Voltorb chain of 39.) :O Or at 40+. :(
haha I have discovered another thing, being ill saturday and sunday and then not being ill on monday when you have history and religious studies @__@
1) People who hate what I like
2) People who hate when people express their opinions
3) People who think of themselves as know it all
4) Loud music
DogMaster40 said:
1. My brother.
2. People who play their iPods so loud everyone can hear it.
3. People who talk in class.
4. People who think their religion is the only right one.

I have a bit of a problem with number 4. If someone chooses a religion, they are obviously going to think their right. That's why you don't hear atheists say "God exists." That's not what atheism is about. (I am not an atheist, just using it as an example). That's what religion is. No offence, of course.

Things I hate:

1. When someone refuses to accept they've lost an argument. (read sig)
2. When someone mocks you for knowing something. (Example- nerd)
1. Disney (It has become less: 'magic for the whole family', and more: 'magic for bratty 8 year-old girls')
2. Jocks
3. Laugh Tracks
4. Donald Duck's voice
5. Waluigi not being in SSBB
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. George Bush
9. Stephen Haurpor (look it up!)
10. Bidoof (Stupidest Pokemon Ever!!!!)
11. Garfield (the comic)
12. Ewoks
13. Bullies
14. Quatchi (look it up!)
15. Math
16. Science
17. Burnt Marshmellows
18. Barney the dinosaur
19. London Tipton
20. Jerks
21. PMJ
22. Cheaters.

I could do this all night....
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
1) People who hate what I like
Alright people, I apologise for not contributing to the topic, but allow me to say this as I quote this post:

1) People who try and make me do a return for them when they don't have a receipt.
2) Cheaters
3) People who temporarily make the forums unavailable (Holy Star)
4) Having to decipher text that has a lot of spelling and grammatical errors.
5) People who have nothing better to do in their lives than to ruin other peoples with Viruses etc.
Bobblehead said:
1. Disney (It has become less: 'magic for the whole family', and more: 'magic for bratty 8 year-old girls')
2. Jocks
3. Laugh Tracks
4. Donald Duck's voice
5. Waluigi not being in SSBB
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. George Bush
9. Stephen Haurpor (look it up!)
10. Bidoof (Stupidest Pokemon Ever!!!!)
11. Garfield (the comic)
12. Ewoks
13. Bullies
14. Quatchi (look it up!)
15. Math
16. Science
17. Burnt Marshmellows
18. Barney the dinosaur
19. London Tipton
20. Jerks
21. PMJ
22. Cheaters.

I could do this all night...
Part of this I agree with, but I have a problem with a couple of those!
10. Come on! Bidoofs are cute, and you don't have to use them!
12. Ewoks are cute too!
penny power said:
Bobblehead said:
1. Disney (It has become less: 'magic for the whole family', and more: 'magic for bratty 8 year-old girls')
2. Jocks
3. Laugh Tracks
4. Donald Duck's voice
5. Waluigi not being in SSBB
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. George Bush
9. Stephen Haurpor (look it up!)
10. Bidoof (Stupidest Pokemon Ever!!!!)
11. Garfield (the comic)
12. Ewoks
13. Bullies
14. Quatchi (look it up!)
15. Math
16. Science
17. Burnt Marshmellows
18. Barney the dinosaur
19. London Tipton
20. Jerks
21. PMJ
22. Cheaters.

I could do this all night...
Part of this I agree with, but I have a problem with a couple of those!
10. Come on! Bidoofs are cute, and you don't have to use them!
12. Ewoks are cute too!

Ewoks aren't cute... they're just AMAZING!
OK, this guy is right... Bidoof stinks.
Overactors and attention seekers
Why - well it would be good if they were making jokes that were funny and not overacting
I hate English people, and...nothing else.(All english members:this is not personal.)
If they didn't create Bidoof then, in the very beginning of pokemon platinum who would be your HMer?
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