What's the most annoying to you ?

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Urusai Urusai Urusai
Yeah, read the title ^^

Mine is: extrem loud speaking people and larry's voice =P

Larry is from the tv show 'The war at Home'
I actually agree on that^.

But for me I find London of The suite life on deck is pure head frying stuff.
This might sound mean but it makes me agrivated. I find it annoying how people try to get attention when no body really cares and they make a big deal about it. (not on the forums)
When i keep failing and losing and not doing it right while someone besides me kept doing it right and winning.

When people disturb me when i'm in a fuss/concentrating.
When I say something (which I know is right, like a rule or something), and my opponent argues, so we call the judge, and when the judge rules ME right, my opponent says, JEEZ, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! And everybody thinks I'm stupid.

And when my TO makes bad calls. My friend left his supporter out during States on accident, and so my TO made him leave the supporter out the REST OF THE GAME, and he couldn't play any more. :O
This kid at school keeps annoying me. He's fat, and really stupid, and he smells funny, and he keeps following me around. He actually thinks he's better than me, when he's really not, and me and my other friends have been trying to avoid him for a while, but it's not working! :mad: No one likes him, and he basically stays at home, and eats lot's of fat filled food, and plays SSBB all day long. We have started to call him Iasha, which we pronounce "I - ay - sha" or "I - ee - sha". We all kind of laugh when we call him that and he hates it.
Bad spelling/grammar. I literally start to see red, it's like someone has called me something really bad.
most of my boy batchmates. =/ Utterly Disrespectful. =/ =/ =/ It makes me not proud of being in the same school. =/

Also, People that make stupid comments just to get someone's attention.

Finally, People that talk to you even though you don't want to talk to them or don't know them(in real life).
1. Fundamentalists

2. Camwhores

3. Bimbos

4. Fanboys

5. Radicals

6. Arrogant people
1. Noobnerd
2. People that say many things when you greet them.
3. Me being lost now.
1. Fanatics.

2. Teenagers.

3. People who attempt to make a stupid point without any facts or something backing them up.

4. Psychiatrists.

5. Youtube.
1. My brother.
2. People who play their iPods so loud everyone can hear it.
3. People who talk in class.
4. People who think their religion is the only right one.
BM1014 said:
1. Noobnerd Lol
2. People that say many things when you greet them. himynameisfurroshiwutzurnameiliekcheezdouialsolikecakeandmaniacallaughswahahahah!
3. Me being lost now. More Lolz

Agree on all of those. So many things to love, but so many things to hat :p
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