What instruments do you play?

I play the violin! I'm pretty good at it too.....sophomore year and in the front of the orchestra! :) not as accomplished as I'd like to be, because I'm uber lazy and people I'm sure I can play better than them due to me hearing them play, but oh well I guess. The teacher also plays favorites, and there's this freshman she loves. At least she doesn't hate me.

Oh and I dance jazz! So I'm pretty artsy/musical.
Violin, viola*, some piano, kazoo, and a little guitar. I'd really like to pick up a wind or brass instrument but the only one in my house is a sousaphone, which is too heavy for me.

I also arrange music (rock music, video game music, etc.)

*Playing the viola puts me on the receiving end of several jokes. I'm also surprised at the number of violists who have posted here, more than I'd expect.
I play pretty much every percussion instrument out there; I used to play viola, but quit; and now I am learning oboe.

42 chocolate said:
Violin, viola*, some piano, kazoo, and a little guitar. I'd really like to pick up a wind or brass instrument but the only one in my house is a sousaphone, which is too heavy for me.

I also arrange music (rock music, video game music, etc.)

*Playing the viola puts me on the receiving end of several jokes. I'm also surprised at the number of violists who have posted here, more than I'd expect.

What's the difference between a violin and a viola? One burns longer. :p
42 chocolate: viola players get picked on? I'm a violinist and I don't do that.....why do people do that? It's just a lower instrument that plays alto clef instead of treble and has a C string and lacks an E string. :\ it's like a small cello that uses alto clef. Why random jokes about violas???? *is confused*

i'm not ranting or yelling or anything, I'm just wondering why that happens to violists.
I play Banjo, not well though, and I hardly ever have the time to practice anymore, I guess I just own one... Whatever.
i play mayonaise,no sorry that was stupid i used to play drums i got bored because i knew i dont wanna use my time playing music when i could play more pokemon
^ i hope you play bass well, because the basses we have in our orchestra cannot play to save their lives. It's really frustrating how one person dropped their bass and the bridge flew somewhere and the other bassist was cracking up while everyone else was looking over like "omg...." and they can't tune or count at all.....