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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I want your 1-0-1 machamp Sf and 1-1 Staraptor FB X
I have base set commons and uncommons and DCL bottom

The DCL bottom I can use!
I can only use them if the base set card are 4th printing.

RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Hi Shakespeare. Its been a while. I've decided to try to come back. I just wanted to know why my thread hasn't been "confrimed" yet through the modz. If its because I need to wait more, I have no problem with that :), If there was some kind of a noobish mistake that I did while making it could you pls tell me. Nice seeing you again. :)
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I like first edition but I know they are more valuable, so, if it means I can get one of each of those cards I'm willing to settle for unlimited. At this point i'm just trying to fill up the last few holes in my wotc binder. So it really doesn't matter to me either way, as long as they're english. Also, I still would like the shining celebi even if it isn't perfect condition, as it is the last shining card I am missing.

I just looked at the Shining Celebi. It is pretty much mint. Someone else has asked about it first. If it doesn't work out with him, I will let you know.
I will see about the wotc list in the meantime.
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I really would only like to upgrade so... and FYI I just traded the RH DCE :( (got it for a good deal so sorry) so LMK if we can work something out. I can trade my bottom half of KGL if you still are looking for them.
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

ok cool. When you find out about the other cards, could you send it to me in a pm? I trade on three forums and sometimes I forget which threads to go back and check. Or I can pm you my email address too. I'm just hoping to get cards in by the wednesday of thanksgiving week, before I leave town.

Let me know.

RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

None of your wants but i have an offer
1 Gengar SF
1 Rare Candy(UL, not rh) or 1 RH Pokedrawer+(just realized you wanted it)
1 Machamp SF
1 Ditto LA
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I just managed to buy the Blaziken FB (and the LvX), DCE, and the call, but I do still need the others. How about this?

My Promocroak, Donphan Prime, and Ursaring Prime for your Machamp Prime, Gengar Lv X, and the regular Toxicroak G?
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Still looking to shiny my deck... (waiting for a response) :/
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEF

I am interested in your two sets of Raikou/Suicune Legend. I have 2 Houndoom Prime and a set and extra top of KGL. I also have more Legends and Primes on my trade thread. LMK via PM please.:p
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Typhlosion (Neo Genesis) #18
Espeon (Neo Discovery) #1
Umbreon (Neo Discovery) #13
Umbreon (Neo Discovery) #32
Ampharos (Neo Revelations) #1
Kingdra (Neo Revelations) #19
Dark Espeon (Neo Destiny) #4
Light Arcanine (Neo Destiny) #12
Light Vaporeon (Neo Destiny) #52
Typhlosion (Expedition) #65
Ampharos (Expedition) #34/165
Pidgeot (Expedition) #59/165
Arcanine (Aquapolis) #2/147
Ampharos (Aquapolis) #1/147
Absol (Dragons) #1/97
Latias ex (Dragons)
Typhlosion (Unseen Forces) #17/115
Ninetales (Rumble)
Latias (pop 7) #3/17

Im sorry this is such a large list, but you happen to have the cards that no one else has. lol

I have these:

Kingdra Prime
Mew Prime
Houndoom Prime
Yanmega Prime

Perhaps we can trade or work out a deal?
lmk thank you.
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Hey, Shake, I could really use that 2-2 Blaziken FB X if you could find something to trade them for...
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

do you want to trade? :D
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

donphan prime
celebi prime
yanmega prime

3 bts
4 pokedrawer
metagross ex (hidden legends)
muk ex (dragon)

lmk or counteroffer!
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

cml for

neo disc. 2, 6-9, 13, 17, 31, 33

Neo 3: 3,5, 7, 11, 16, 18, 20-22, 24, 27, 54

neo 4: 1-9, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29, 96, Shiny Celebi

I have:

Tyranitar prime 88/95
Yanmega prime 98/102
Donphan prime 107/123 - Big want!
Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Bottom) 88/90
Call Energy 92/100

also cml for whatever else
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

From your wants i have Tyranitar Prime,Ursaring Prime and RDL TOP.
I am interested in Gengar Prime and Magnezone Prime.

RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

hello perhaps we can work out a trade? i will trade 1 prime for 1 prime, 1 legend part for 1 legend part, 1 holo rare for 1 holo rare etc

BINX has
raichu prime
legend bottom darkrai cressilia
many other cards and stuff please check my thread

BINX wants
darkrai cressilia legend top
palkia dialga legend top
palkia dialga legen bottom
gengar prime
celebi prime
magnezone prime
absol prime
leafeon lv x
hidden legends- rare machamp
many expedition/aquapolis/skyridge cards
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

can you please answer me about our trade? It's been over a week now.
RE: Triumphant Update (H)2 Luxray gl LvX I want your PRIMES!!! PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Shakespeare, have you checked my list for the Blaziken FB? It's been at least a week since I've asked you, man.