That's too dangerous! (you-person-person-you)

Too dangerous because half of pokebeach knows Zyflair is a guy(I'm not joking)

I'm in the middle of a battle between Palkia and Dialga.
That's too dangerous, because... Uh, you could get stepped on. Yeah.

Playing Tetris.
It's true, Zyflair is actually a guy. Nearly 60 people can vouch for this

Too dangerous, someone might hate that song and kill you

Learning 8 different types of martial arts
That's too dangerous! All of your muscles will break from doing all of the martial arts!

Breaking my muscles.
That's too dangerous! You might fail to break them and develop a low self-esteem as a result!

Typing this post.
That's too dangerous! It might turn out that you're in a horror movie and the insane guy is right behind you!

Being a Captain Falcon fanboy. :D
That's too dangerous! The series of games might end and you might kill yourself

Achieving piece of mind
That's to dangerous! You're not smart enough to use you mind!

Saying Veritas isn't smart enough to use his mind.