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Stage 1 Rouge Eelektrik/Cinccino/Zebstrika

Kiefer_777 said:
yeah i have collectors I hust didn't think that I needed 4

I thought this was a BW-on deck. Am I just getting mixed up? Tornadus is a pretty lousy Terrakion counter, but it is a good card. Mewtwo+Eviolite is the best Terrakion counter.
no its hgss-on sorry and I dont know honestly if I will be able to get a mewtwo but I have it in the list atm but I think a few tornadus will definetly atleast help against terrakion
Oh I meant
2nd one down on the T/s/s list. Not 2nd down not the T/s/s list. :p Stupid auto correct. :) Just saying that there is collector in this deck.