Pokemon Pokemon Pet Peeves: Video Game Edition

Lol. Fair enough.

You know what really irritated me was when they introduced bonsly and munchlax in the Gale of Darkness game. I can't tell you how long I looked up ways to catch them. It's like having these next gen pokemon in your game and you can't catch them... wtf?! To top it off, I think they ran from you everytime you got near them. Something like that.
How fishing stopped being just wait until a fish is on the line, and then you have all day to pull it in, sure it's not realistic, but it was so much easier for me, now fishing is annoying, which brings up another thing, why did they take out rods in Black and White?! At least give us the super rod DURING the main adventure! I really hope that rods make a comeback in X and Y.
Nightingirle said:
SheNinja said:
They took the rods out of BW? No they didn't...

I think what he means is that they took them out of the main story, which I didn't like too much either, to be honest.

I think they realized that it was superfluous to be able to Surf and encounter Pokemon and fish and encounter Pokemon, so they took the rod out. Couple that with the addition of the dark swirling spot things, and the fishing rod was rendered obsolete.
Starboard Driger said:
Nightingirle said:
I think what he means is that they took them out of the main story, which I didn't like too much either, to be honest.

I think they realized that it was superfluous to be able to Surf and encounter Pokemon and fish and encounter Pokemon, so they took the rod out. Couple that with the addition of the dark swirling spot things, and the fishing rod was rendered obsolete.

I guess, but the problem is then that Surf comes so late into the game that what's the point? You could have gotten the good rod by then and got some good water types. But then again BW only have like four water type lines, so maybe they just didn't want to put more in...
frezgle said:
The biggest one for me is the delay they inexplicably added in BW2 in choices for dialogue boxes. E.g., when someone asks you something that makes a Yes/No pop up, there's a delay between the box popping up and the arrow that lets you select something. I think maybe it was to prevent accidentally picking something that you didn't want too quickly? Still bugs me.
That and STILL having to sort Pokemon in my boxes manually. Some automatic sort functions would be nice.

The arrow delay bothers you too? Haha I thought I was the only one.