paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK (PG-dontreadcozitzbad4u)

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RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

I never said change it, just please put may be inapropriate for 10 and under in the title. I may get back up from WPM, I feel strongl that I'm right even though I'm being pathetic about it.
RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

Give me 1 paragraph which is not suited for kids under the age of 10, and I'll tell you why a 10-year-old either won't understand, won't mind, or how 10-year-olds see a lot of stuff on TV which is even worse.

BTW, there's no way of protecting little kids, they'll encounter unfriendly stuff on the inter net anyways, I don't see why we should not allow them to look at stupid silly fan-fics, but when it comes to weird images, unfriendly replies or pictures of Dawn, we don't mind at all.
RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

I see I'm not getting throuhg to you, so I'll just sit back and enjoy the story. Whens the next chapter?
RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

I dunno... people have started getting serious about this now, it's kind of ruined the effect for me. It's mutated from a rebellion against lame fanfics into a politically correct pile of meaningless words.
RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

Come on Bacon, if you think its lame, do you agree with me about the whole family friendly issue. I was going to give in, but I think oyu must agree with me, besides, isn't it in the rules or something? We should be known as a site where younger members won't be exposed to stuff like this, and we can be known as like, a responsible place or somehitng that sounds like we have authority of some sort.
RE: paint flicker gemini quasi dehydrate asparagus SPELUNK

FPM, you're over-reacting, stop it, if you can't handle this fan-fic, leave. Seriously, it's meant to be funny, I hate it when people get all serious for no decent reason. If you would at least admit you're the one being offended instead of blaming 8-year-olds, I might consider it :S
I'm not offended, I just think that you are exposing people to this with no warning. Just say, may have slightly inapropriate content, and I'll be happy.
Lol PG-don't read coz itz bad 4 u. That should ease your worries, FPM. It is a rating after all. :p

dmaster out.
OMG This is like funnier than the guy who invented Homework!
Anyways I want more stories! SpongeBob the Waitor!
This story...


Yeah, more Star Trek references.


After the entire universe had ended and reassembled itself, Ash realized he was hungry.
Hmm, I can’t defeat the phantom baby stealer on an empty stomach, he thought. I need to get some energy.
He searched around for food but all he could find was a KFC, two super markets and a hot dog stand. The place was simply uninhabitable. Ash collapsed on the street, unable to walk no further.
“Need… food…” he gasped.
“Hi, you look like you want to eat some food. Care to have some of my soup from this big black cauldron of mine laced with skull patterns?” asked an old lady that looked like a phantom baby stealer in disguise.
“Ok” said Ash.
“Muahahahaha!!!!!” said the not-a-phantom-baby-stealer.
The old lady poured some of the bubbly bubbling purple liquid into a bowl and gave it to Ash, but before he could drink it a Pidgey flew out of nowhere and drank it all in one go. Then it exploded.
“The explosion has nothing to do with the soup” explained the Old lady. “It had exploding bird disease.”
“Ok. Can I have some more then please?”
The old lady poured some of the bubbly bubbling purple liquid into a bowl and gave it to Ash, but before he could drink it a Chimecho flew out of nowhere and drank it all in one go. Then it exploded.
“The explosion has nothing to do with the soup” explained the old lady “it had exploding bell disease”
“Ok. Can I have some more then please?”
The old lady poured some of the bubbly bubbling purple liquid into a bowl and gave it to Ash, but before he could drink it an Electrode flew out of nowhere and drank it all in one go. Then it exploded.
“The explosion has nothing to do with the soup” explained the old lady “it had exploding bomb disease”
“Hmm, Electrode doesn’t usually explode, I think you are up to something” questioned Ash.
“Ah! You are very clever young Ash! But you shall never outsmart…” The old lady took off her disguise “The phantom baby stealer!”
“I found you! Now for my revenge! I choose you Squirtle!”
Squirt! Squirt!
But Ash misjudged his throw and Squirtle flew into a passing lorry and died.
“Aha! You are weak! I choose you, Gyarados!”
“Oh no, that’s a really powerful pokemon… hmm… how do I take it out?” Ash said to himself. “I would need a super-effective attack…” Then he knew what he needed to do.
“Go Geodude!”
Geodude used earthquake and it was good.
“Curses! Bravo to your knowledge of pokemon type match-ups” said the phantom baby stealer, but before Ash could do anything else the Phantom baby stealer flew away in a car.
“I shall get my revenge some day!” roared Ash.
An elephant walked by but nobody noticed it.
"Geodude used earthquake and it was good." <3

Exploding bomb disease is nothing to laugh at, though :S
Did you know that 99 out of 100 detonated bombs suffer from this disease?
Did you also know that 64% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
And did you also know that 146% of all statistics don't even make sense?
And 5 out of 4 people can't count to 3?

5 quaters of the world are bad at fractions?

And all statistic jokes are really bad?
"Exploding bomb disease" lol. "It was good" LOL. "An elephant walked by, but nobody noticed it"

Great chapter bacon. So many great lines.

dmaster out.
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