How do you keep your cards?

How do you keep your cards?

  • In a box

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • In an Album

    Votes: 19 47.5%
  • In lots of Mini Albums

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • In separate boxes

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Other (please specify when posting )

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
Fire Pokemon Master said:
How do you all keep your cards?

I have around 4000 of them now, and I just keep them ina abig box with rubber bands around each expansion of cards. I know many people use albums or folders and some people use types of boxes. how do you keep your cards? (Also please note how many cards you have, so I can see which way is the best for each amount of cards)

I am not far behind you man!:) Anyway I have nearly 3,200 cards (3,190 to be exact) and I keep my cards in 2 albums. 1 is all Pokemon only from Bulbasaur to whatever the last one is in the first binder and the 2nd has the continuing card next in line to the last one I have in the Pokedex and also it hold about 400 trainers and about 800 energy cards.:)
I got a binder with the complete first 2 sets and one card missing from the third, in order, and a bunch of promos and older rotated holos, then some C/UC from HP and LM, a binder with legal rares, rare rev holos, rare holos, EX's and Lv X's, two small binders with legal C/UC and C/UC rev holos, a box of energy, a large box with assorted old cards and lots of Japanese holos, many boxes and tins with old C/UC, and two newer tins with my deck in one and more legal C/UC in the other. Last time I counted I had about 200 holos, but its probably nearer to 300 now. No idea how many cards total.
I have several thousand cards that are all organized by set. I have one binder filled with all sets from DX to LM, with pre-DX rares and holos and ex filling up a bunch of pages in the back. I have a second binder with all cards organized by set from HP-SW. I also have what I guess you could call a box filled with a bunch of RS-DX commons and uncommons, plus I use one of those tins to keep a bunch of DX-PK commons and uncommons together, sorted alphabetically and by type.
I don't know how many cards I have, but they must be in the thousands by now...I'm not sure about you guys, but I have never thrown out a Pokémon card. Ever. Even cards from old sets, commons I must have like fifty of, and completely useless cards I keep.

I'm also weird in that I keep them purely by alphabetical order. I really can't keep track of the order of the sets, or who is from what set, for that matter. When I put together a deck, I check the symbol at the bottom to see if I can use it or not. THAT I have memorized. I don't organize them by type either, as when I want to put together a deck, I think of a specific Pokémon (say, Empoleon) and work from there. This is how I arrange them:

1. Pokémon come first. Then Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums. Then Energy.
2. Within each of those three major categories, they're put in alphabetical order by name. Pokémon are always organized by species name only, which means, say, Misty's Tentacool is organized as "Tentacool."
3. Within a single species of Pokémon, Pokémon whose card name is simply the Pokémon's name are always first, followed by Pokémon-ex, then Pokémon Level X, then Pokémon-*, then Dark Pokémon, then Light Pokémon, then Owner's Pokémon in alphabetical order of the owners' names. I don't count the phrase "Deta Species" as part of the name for organization. I don't think there's any species of Pokémon with every variation of that yet, however.
4. Pokémon with multiple variations of itself and have different names (such as Wormadam) are organized under the name of the Pokémon, then the forms they have in alphabetical order.
5. Pokémon of the same species and the same prefix, suffix, or lack thereof are organized by set in order of release (I keep a list), then POP sets, then Trainer Kits, then Promos. For organization, rereleases, such as those in Power Keepers, count as sets of their own. This also goes for Trainers, but not Basic Energy (as they always seem to get mixed up no matter what).
6. Pokémon of the same species, card name, and set are arranged by collector's number from lowest to highest. Promo cards with the same name are arranged in order of when they were released, and if released at the same time, by the number in the corner.

As for what I keep them in, as I always keep them in sleeves, I put them into boxes. I used to use rubber bands to hold the blocks together, but I found out that they damaged the sleeves over time, so now I just use pieces of cut cardboard as dividers. I began with a box of Teddy Grahams (unintentionally giving me the nickname "Teddy Graham" for a short while), then moved to a small plastic pencil box. When that overflowed, I put the rest into a lunch box. Each time the last box would run out of space, I would find another box to put the rest of them in. Currently...
The blue pencil box holds Abra to Bellossom.
The blue lunch box holds Bellsprout to Dragonite.
The green box (which I believe originally held chocolates) holds Dratini to Mareep.
The brown shoe box (formerly held Dinkles) holds Marill to Shelgon.
The white IKEA box holds Shellder to Zubat, all of the Trainers, and all of the Energy. (It's a huge box.)
The orange-lid shoe box holds the deck I use at the moment, plus game supplies, such as dice and glass drops.

These are just guesstimates, as I don't have my cards with me at the moment.
I keep my cards in one big folder. I have fourty, eighteen card, pages. I keep all of my cards in number order. I could show pictures if you would like?
I keep my promos, then EX, then Lv.X, then Star, then Shining in a binder with 10 18- card pages (the empty spaces are followed by important cards since I don't play much, and when I do it's in unlimited). My rares and important uncommons and commons are in a mini- binder and my TFG cards and GE-on holos and Unowns are in another mini-binder. Everything else is in a gigantic album with about 100 18-card pages. I filled that up, so everything else after that goes somewhere or other in a nook or cranny somewhere.
Rai-Guy_15 said:
I know I have over 10,000 cards.
Spent a lot of money and stuck with a lot of crap cards.

Over 10,000 cards?? Mouth drops open. I got a long way to go yet. Anywai All my cards are in Pokedex order. That is National dex order not be region dex order.:)
Three trading folders, 9 binders where I keep my set collections and promo collections, thousands and thousands of common and uncommon cards in set display boxes arranged by set/type/evolution lines, one long box where I keep my extra promos that don't fit in my trading binders (a refill case basically) and some plastic cases I use to throw in random cards I find lying around in my apartment.
Oh, and the 4 decks I currently have are in plastic professor program/prerelease deckboxes. I still used to have 7-8 deck simultaneously like a year ago but made the decision to cut the amount to 3-4 and trade away the extra trainers I had hogged for myself just to use them in the decks. One time I even had 18 Rare Candy's all for myself, but now I use only 8 in my decks and 4 are for trade.

It would be a pain to move with all these cards :/ Their combined weight well exceeds a 100kg. I'm frantically trying to get rid of my older cards and sell the commons and uncommons in grabbags in internet auctions to get rid of them.
Mewstor said:
Three trading folders, 9 binders where I keep my set collections and promo collections, thousands and thousands of common and uncommon cards in set display boxes arranged by set/type/evolution lines, one long box where I keep my extra promos that don't fit in my trading binders (a refill case basically) and some plastic cases I use to throw in random cards I find lying around in my apartment.
Oh, and the 4 decks I currently have are in plastic professor program/prerelease deckboxes. I still used to have 7-8 deck simultaneously like a year ago but made the decision to cut the amount to 3-4 and trade away the extra trainers I had hogged for myself just to use them in the decks. One time I even had 18 Rare Candy's all for myself, but now I use only 8 in my decks and 4 are for trade.

It would be a pain to move with all these cards :/ Their combined weight well exceeds a 100kg. I'm frantically trying to get rid of my older cards and sell the commons and uncommons in grabbags in internet auctions to get rid of them.

I have over 30 Rare candy cards I think. Also about the same for Base Potions.:)
Just like PMJ.
I've got mine in folders/binders & in set
This is how mine is set out (from a post that I did on SPPF)
I'm just going to put them in number of sets that I've got going.
Folder #1:
Base: 102/102
Jungle: 64/64
Fossil: 54/62
TR 1: 74/82
Gym 1/Gym Hero's: 104/132
Gym 2: 107/103
Neo 1: 97/111
Neo 2: 56/75
Neo 3: 54/64
Neo 4: 74/105
EXP: 133/165
Aquapolis: 97/147
Skyridge: 105/144
Folder #2:
Ruby/Sapphire: 91/109
Sandstorm: 83/100
Dragon: 85/97
Aqua Vs. Magma: 66/95
Hidden Legends: 78/101
FR/LG: 83/115
TRR: 97/109
Deoxys: 81/107
Emerald: 75/106
Unseen Forces: 104/117 (this includes: TR's Persian ex & Celebi ex)
Legend Maker: 76/92
Delta Species: 95/113
Holon Phantoms: 99/110
Crystal Guardians: 79/100
Dragon Frontiers: 83/101
Power Keepers: 89/108
Folder #3:
DP 1: 118/130
DP 2: 87/123
DP 3: 64/132
DP 4: 95/106
i dont have a lot cards (nearly 600? ) so all uncommons - commons are in a box and the holos (and all rare cards) are in 4 albums
I keep most of my Pokemon cards in binders, sorted by set and type. Promo cards go in separate binders in the order I get them.

My spare cards share several fates. Valuable holos go into my trade binder, less valuable holos go into a small box for my Pokemon League players to go through (they each get 2 for attendance), and the rest of my spare cards go into a large box that my League players can go through and build decks with.
If i have a near complete set i put them in a folder (A3) and if i have holo's and rares from sets im not doing so well in i put them in a seperate folder. The others (Commons/Uncommons) go in a tin.
i have one of those southern island binders in which i keep my holos and rares in . i keep all my holos/lv.x's/exs in the front , my reverse towards the middle of the binder , and rares towards the end . my common and uncoommons i mostly keep in ziplock bags but also keep them in boxes , tins , and even put them back into some of the boosters i pulled them from for some type of protection. i then usually put them under my bed , closet , and i think i also have some lost ones in my garage.