Hope Has Returned; GODZILLA's New DS

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Team Twilight 4eva \m/
A few weeks ago, Bacon offered me his old, semi-broken (hence, "ds/2" in the title) Nintendo DS. Just today... it arrived from England. Now... Now all I need to do is buy a copy of Diamond and a new Action Replay cheating device. Then I will be able to Double battle again. Here are some pictures:

My baby with its eyes closed.

Bidoof... It's everywhere (I opened it up and there was a Bidoof card.

It's alive!!

I will be giving more thanks and showing volumes of gratification over the next few weeks, possibly months.

If you've spent enough time in the Pokebeach chat room and have listened to me rant and go off on tangents about stuff, I'm sure you will have come across me saying I'd never own a DS or a Wii. I truly believed I'd never own either. With Competitor stuck in the mud of being a hobbyist's creation, I slowly lost the motivation and hope that I'd really get to the play Doubles again with my friends. But now the light at the end of this dark tunnel is in sight... And I'm slowly closing in on it.

Thank you so much, Bacon. You have no idea what this means to me. :'] Not only do I have a DS but a friend was kind of enough to send me one rather than sell it away. :p It truly means a lot.

GODZILLA is back in business!
/me yawns loudly
Good for you! It's really good to hear that you're going to get to do what you want to do... too bad I don't do doubles though :(

Still, good luck with it, and hope you can do well in doubles still :)
Nice 'Zilla. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal nice. FINALLY too. Bidoof ftw.

dmaster out.
good but umm where are you going with this
The place he is going to with this is that: Mr. ZOMG SAYVE DUBLES EVEN THO I HAVN'T DUBLED IN TO YEERS can finnaly do Doubles again ^o^
Zoidburg.... I'd find a good image to counter that but it's not worth it. It's a good pic though. I suggest you use it sometime for the image war if it is ever revived.

Like I said, if any of you have seen me in the chat room, you know how I long for my Doubles and Team Twilight. ;o; I finally get to Double battle again. I'll also be able to own you all with my mad leet omghax doubles skillz.(once I relearn them that is) :)
Yeah, Bidoof... It's in my DS, hacking my cartridge.
Well, it did have a "new bacon smell". Perhaps that was the scent of the supposed infectious disease.
Dude, the Bidoof are contagious; you can find a card lying on a street, lol.

Anyways, it was a great thing for bacon to do, and now that you've got a DS, you can play like the pros... more or less, anyway. :0

Aww, Zilla wrote his thanks on his whiteboard, how cute. :>

Shawn out.
Kevin Garrett said:
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
* Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson yawns loudly
* Kevin Garrett seconds his yawn

As Super Mods, you should not intentionally post SPAM in threads. It encourages the noobs.

Lol, see what I did there? ;p
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