EXs: Ruining the Game?

RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Azurial said:
So, I have read through this whole thread and I see a ton of people blaming Pokémon EX, and just as many blaming Trainers.

I would like to go out on a limb and say that the BIGGEST issue to Pokémon is TYPE-WEAKNESS. As suggested in almost ALL posts, especially the ones where comments like Terrakion beats out Darkrai and so on are made, It comes down to Type.

Shaymin EX tears apart Keldeo based decks as a tech simply because it OHKO because of weakness after the first/second prize is taken. Is this to say that it's Shaymins Fault for being OP in that instance? Or do we blame Pokemon Catcher for being able to force that Prize active?

I think we need to examine the real problem. In past formats Pokémon had -20, -30, -50 Resistances, had +X weakness and so on. This made formats like SP fair, simply due to the fact that it wasn't a Counter race, not completely any way.

My idea, stop making weakness based solely on what the Card type is (i.e. Mew has a Psychic weakness because it is Psychic) and make a Pokémon weak to the individual attack cost, much like in the Video Games.

I really do not see how confusing that is, since you'd just be transferring over what you know from your DS/GB/ect., because, let's face it, most TCG players have at one point played the Video games. Even casual Pokémon Video game players know that you bring versatile, multi-type attacks to a gym (I.E. A Fire Type Pokémon at a Normal Type Gym that can learn Fighting Moves).

I agree with part of this...However..
In our current format it is a matter of eat or be eaten alive by ex's. You have to one shot them/ get really close to it with some non-ex pokemon. Other wise they turn around and tear you up with their ex's huge attack. Weakness only plays a big role right now because it is only real way to take down big ex pokemon in one hit, without putting yourself in a bad spot
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

All that really ruined the Meta for me was Luxray Lv x. In fact it put me off for a long time It stopped me from attempting to play until HGSS on. Catcher In my opinion is manageable although still a Major pain.