EXs: Ruining the Game?

RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

I don't get how EXs are ruining the game.
If there ever was an EX that is really rare and does 200 for 1 energy :p
other people would run it too.
It wouldn't be fun with an EX like that, but it would be fair.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

^ That's kind of what happened with Mewtwo. Everyone ran it because it was good and could slip easily into almost any deck. The reason I didn't apprieciate Mewtwo at the time was because it made several things unplayable. It OHKO'd Gothitelle, donking Gothita and making anything with a {P} Weakness terrible, it killed Donchamp (if it wasn't dead already), and it made it hard for Stage 2 decks to setup, being capable of a consistent T1 40. And if you weren't expecting a Mewtwo out of nowhere (back when it first came out, of course) and attached an energy to a 60 HP Basic, that was usually good game. Fortunately, Mewtwo's easiest counter was Mewtwo, so some things theoretically weren't completely dominated by opposing Mewtwos, but, in my opinion, it killed some of my favorite decks at the time.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

EX's are ruining the format because they are hard to pull and when you do pull one they may be horrible like for example: out of my booster box i pulled a FA kyogre ex. I bought 5 packs a few days later Fa kyogre ex again. :( The good ex's are hard to buy, i mean back in may mewtwo ex FA was $ 120. the ex's suck the fun out of pokemon.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

jumpluff said:
EX's are ruining the format because they are hard to pull and when you do pull one they may be horrible like for example: out of my booster box i pulled a FA kyogre ex. I bought 5 packs a few days later Fa kyogre ex again. :( The good ex's are hard to buy, i mean back in may mewtwo ex FA was $ 120. the ex's suck the fun out of pokemon.

I don't think Mewtwo EX FA was ever 120. It was max like 70-80.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Delta Nite said:
Ex Pokémon in third gen didn't have such gargantual HP.

Wailord EX says hello.

RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

the ex's aren't unbalanced or ruining the game.

catcher combined with ex's with 1-2 energy costs with high damage output on T1 is ruining the game and killing creativity.

think about it.
T1 Mewtwo EX DCE start. (pretty common).
With the addition of skyla, mewtwo DCE + skyla searched catcher for a T1 40-60 damage.
Add in variables with plus power, and other cards that could be in the deck. It is a hard play.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Shining Raikou said:
Delta Nite said:
Ex Pokémon in third gen didn't have such gargantual HP.

Wailord EX says hello.


Hasn't Wailord always had a rediculous amount of HP? :p

jumpluff said:
EX's are ruining the format because they are hard to pull and when you do pull one they may be horrible like for example: out of my booster box i pulled a FA kyogre ex. I bought 5 packs a few days later Fa kyogre ex again. :( The good ex's are hard to buy, i mean back in may mewtwo ex FA was $ 120. the ex's suck the fun out of pokemon.

Kyogre is not completely useless; I've seen some people run it as a tech in Keldeo/Blastoise. You might be able to trade it for something you need. Worse case, just sell it on eBay.

And really now, the prices have really gone down. Mewtwo and Darkrai are $10-15 depending on if it's the promo or one from the set. The most expensive EX right now is Keldeo, I believe, and it's anywhere from $20-30.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

How are EXs ruining the game? They ARE the game lol. The older guys at my league complain about this all the time, because they're expensive and such. But really, how was any other format better? There was always those select cards that are totally overpowered and love to dominate the meta. I remember when I first played, it was Luxray Lv. X. And hey, that was /$70 for one./ Now it's Landorus EX. You can pick him up for 30. There was also Gallade and Gardevoir at some point in time. But really, how is this new in Pokemon--no, in ANY card game? Honestly, people just want to blame something for their losses.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Mora said:
And really now, the prices have really gone down. Mewtwo and Darkrai are $10-15 depending on if it's the promo or one from the set. The most expensive EX right now is Keldeo, I believe, and it's anywhere from $20-30.

Landorus is a bit more expensive then Keldeo. Keldeo is closer to 20 while Landorus is closer to 30.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

My opinion:
Ex's are pretty cool, but super powerful. Make them Stage 1 and the playing field gets really level really fast. Many of the ex's are supposedly different forms of the same pokemon anyway, so make them all stage 1 and then the number of ex and the speed of the game goes down. Of course, with BC ditto, that may also not be realistic, but it would bundle up decks to run three or four stage 1 ex's and probably slow the game.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

They need to bring back Machamp Stormfront as a Stage 2 EX and Broken Time Space. Format = balanced :p
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

I don't think it's EXs so much as it is the cards the support basics only Basics already have a huge advantage as it is. They can hit the field instantly, they don't require running weaker basics, and they don't take up space when you don't have the right cards. Now that we have EXs, basics are more powerful than ever. Some having HP and attacks higher than the strongest stage 2s. Sure, you get two prizes for taking them out, but by the time you do that, they may have taken more than that. With such overpowered basics, you'd think TPTB would try to give evolutions some advantage to balance them out. Especially since evolutions are already disadvantaged as they are.

But no. Instead, they make more cards that benefit basics (including EXS!!). So when you even get the chance to evolve (stupid catcher!), you end up missing out on the benefits of skyarrow bridge and eviolite. Cards that would have benefitted them in the past have rotated out (professor elm), along with cards that destroy basics (that machamp). Because of that, there are no reasons to play evolutions unless they offer something game breaking (and even then, you're still at a disadvantage).

I don't think EXs should be rotated out. I just think there needs to be more cards that benefit evolutions and less cards that benefit basics (they're good enough on their own). As for catcher, I think that should be reprinted as one of those new items that you can only run 1 of.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Evolutions already have something benefiting them. Their abilities are getting so powerful that without cards like catcher and big basics, we would just see insane overpowered bench sitting stage 2s
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

exdarkrai01 said:
Evolutions already have something benefiting them. Their abilities are getting so powerful that without cards like catcher and big basics, we would just see insane overpowered bench sitting stage 2s

FINALLLY! Someone who understands my train of thought why Catcher should not be the hated card of the format. It helps keep Blast-Pony, Dark Hydreigon and Eels in check. But I suppose the reason why most people don't like Catcher in the format is so that they can bandwagon said decks without worrying about the disincentives of using such.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Riskbreakers said:
exdarkrai01 said:
Evolutions already have something benefiting them. Their abilities are getting so powerful that without cards like catcher and big basics, we would just see insane overpowered bench sitting stage 2s

FINALLLY! Someone who understands my train of thought why Catcher should not be the hated card of the format. It helps keep Blast-Pony, Dark Hydreigon and Eels in check. But I suppose the reason why most people don't like Catcher in the format is so that they can bandwagon said decks without worrying about the disincentives of using such.

The issue is we wouldn't need catcher if the Stage 2's weren't like that. I agree that if Catcher was just taken out of the current format, it just wouldn't work at all, but I wish that the Stage 2's weren't so overpowered that catcher has to exist to stop them. Same for the big basics, it would be better if everything was just powered down. There isn't one card that's ruining the format; it's a combination of everything.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Let's go back to base set and escape from the murderous wrath of catcher!

RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Here are the problems.

-Stage 2 Cards right now are overpowered when paired up with their respective big basics.
-Catcher neutralizes said Stage 2 cards.
-Big basics abuse Catcher to make game faster by KOing their fellow big basics.
-N makes these rush type games turn into sack-fests.

Conclusion? Too much power creep is killing Pokemon. It's like YGO with a different banlist. While the Stage 2s are indeed overpowered, big basics and their support cards neutralize them but it is a bit too much. Removing stuff like Skyarrow Bridge, Eviolite and vital pieces to certain decks such as Sableye or Dark Patch helps. As Blah implies, it's one mishap after one mishap after another which ends up snowballing into one big problem which we can call the BW-on format.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

silver116 said:
From time to time I run into people who believe that the rise of the fairly new EXs has ruined the game. A lot of people at my league feel that, because of the EXs, it chokes other more creative deck ideas that could be successful otherwise. What do you think? Personally I believe that the EX cards do choke out most deck ideas and maybe should restricted more. I know that they make the meta game what it is but does the game have to be such an expensive, dominating experience? Discuss!

No not nesisaraly, I personaly use 1 EX in my deck and when I play the card my opponent grones and puts his or her head on the table. So, honestly I haven't seen an all out EX deck so I coulden't say. But, I can say this my verdit is that if you use only or alot of EX's it will close options.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

Blui129 said:
Guys, put it this way, knocking out an EX is like KOing two 90HP super attackers.
Just going to mention that this is so wrong. Why? Because if you KO a 90 HP super attacker, then they have to set up another. However, if you hit 90 to an EX, then they have a number of options available.

1) Max/Gold Potion. And you have to another 90.

2) They KO you, and so now you're the one having to set up while they laugh in your face.

3) They retreat, and start attacking with a fresh one (that will probably end up in #2)

Riskbreakers said:
Conclusion? Too much power creep is killing Pokemon.
This. Reshiboar/ZPS dominating the format? Throw in EX's and Pokemon Catcher (to keep the bench support in check, as others have said). Mewtwo EX too powerful? Give the players a very powerful dark deck (Darkrai/Hydreigon). Unpredicted Hammertime (Darkrai/Sableye + big basics) deck running rampant? Create dragons that are only weak to themselves and can OHKO/2HKO (depending on which dragon) an EX. Too much Eels? Landorus EX can snipe! Who knows where we're going next?

Despite all this, though, I do believe that the format is relatively balanced for all this power creep. There are a variety of decks that can work in this format (unlike the Big Five of the last format) and each one can win a reasonable amount of games. Decks can be put together rather cheaply (although getting Catchers is a big pain) and it can perform well. We have some trainers that let these decks set up with speed equal to any big basics deck, and new energies let us try different decks that we would without them (coughcoughblendenergycoughwheeze).

It's not the best it could be, but I think it works fine.
RE: EX's: Ruining the Game?

I think the format is fairly balanced across the board. The bummer is that we have a fairly small board of choices of cards that are actually good. Imagine how much fun the game would be if we got 100 new cards that were actually playable each set. Players could actually build their own decks. Now deckbuilding is just a fancy word for picking a meta deck, testing it out to find perfect card counts and techs and thats it. I think it would be cool If rougues stood a chance as it would open up tons of room for creativity.