9.0 Earthquake Strikes Japan

RE: 8.8 Earthquake Strikes Japan

This is really unfortunate. I had to make sure some of my friends were ok just in case because of the tsunamis that were coming in. What a blow.

Also, I'm going to edit this to 8.9. Because that's what it is lol.

dmaster out.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

Sad news to to anybody in Japan. I have a friend back there, but his family is ok. Actually, my family back in Hawaii was forced to evacuate, but they're all ok, too. Yeah, my thoughts go out to all those affected.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

My goodness.....I have been watching live footage as this occurs. It is said to hit Hawaii soon. I feel so sorry for the Japanese people.....40 dead. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families that have been seperated, ones killed, and to all alive. This is quite unfortunate, especially to the ones that had no clue whatsoever. This is an atrocious disaster.....
Kind Regards,
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

The earthquakes are not increasing, the probability on where they are happening is. The info travels faster through stuff like Twitter, FaceBook, and other online sources so words get around faster. It's more the tsuanami that was the real problem. But, being the industrial city Japan is, it'll recover fast.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

This is so sad. :( I really hope everyone is okay! Some of the people on Pokemon Collectors LJ live in Japan, such as Gin(sunyshore), were affected. But Gin is alright, thats is good, but the others, were are not sure about. :( Hang in there everyone! We have you in our prayers! :)
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

I'm surprised no one commented about that nuclear power plant in Japan.

But my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims. I hope everything gets better for them ASAP.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

I completely forgot about that actually. Double sucks. And to top it all off, Pokemon Center probably got destroyed in the process. Not even mother nature should mess with Pokemon Center Tokyo.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan as well as the creators of the Pokemon franchise and the people responsible for the booming Anime/Manga Industry. Speaking of the status of Game Freak, Nintendo, and Satoshi Tajiri himself after the Earthquake:


He's alive and well. ;)

This Twitter Feed confirms it as well:


palkia dialga clash said:
The earthquakes are not increasing, the probability on where they are happening is. The info travels faster through stuff like Twitter, FaceBook, and other online sources so words get around faster. It's more the tsuanami that was the real problem. But, being the industrial city Japan is, it'll recover fast.

Correct, you do realize that the world population of the human race has reached 7 Billion right? If you want proof there's a recent issue of National Geographic that explains it. There's more people in most places on Planet Earth that the notice of something happening seems to be overplayed where the news media makes it sound worse than what it already is making you think that earthquakes are increasing over the years, especially with what happened in Haiti.

Given that Japan is located right by the Pacific "Ring of Fire" it makes sense cause Geologically areas close by the "Ring of Fire" are prone to earthquakes alot especially Japan. Chile which was struck by an 8.2 Magnitude earthquake last year is also located right by the Pacific "Ring of Fire" as well as Indonesia which is close by it but not there all the way which triggered a devastating tsunami back in 2004.

The recent tsunami that struck Hawaii and California didn't cause as much damage as what happened in Japan however it was still a threat cause you shouldn't underestimate the aftershocks of an earthquake that generates a tsunami that can travel from one side of the ocean to another, eventually depending on the force of the aftershock it weakens the more it travels. It all depends on how much force is applied from the underwater plates shifting and using the science of Newton's Law of Motion.

The reason why the Tsunami of 2004 with Indonesia was bad was due to how the country itself is a third world country that's very poor in terms of infrastructure as it's not as industrialized as other countries that are wealthy and powerful.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

Yea, over 1000 dead bodies were found, and it might go to the west coast. But I do feel really bad for them. They have this alot, and tsunamis are very powerful, and take many, many lives.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

It wasn't the actual reactor. It was a building within the facility.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

Crud...I really wonder whats happening with all the quakes around. ._.
I feel bad for the japanese,specially because they faced a TSUNAMI.Tsunamis are really power-ish and desructive-ish... D:

And about the nuclear reactor,what do you mean LV?

And is it true that a minor Tsunami will hit California?I hope that my famiy is informed about this,though. :(
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

There was a Nuclear Reactor in Japan that started surging 1000 times beyond the normal level. Japanese feared a total meltdown. LV is correct, the reactor itself didn't explode, but a building that was part of the facility did.
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

D: Oh god...It would be scary if it would have been a meltdown,or something similiar.Nothing way bad happened,but the explosion is still bad anyways. :/
RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan

Serebii had said that everyone a Gamefreak/Nintendo are fine! As well as the buildings! Thats a relief.