(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Okay the show is starting. Meowth episode, then live action segments, then the revealing!
You know whats funny, i had a dream las night about the pokemon that they were gonna reveal!!!:p one of them was a pre-evolution and the other were the starters.
i reckon its going to be silhouettes of the new starters, OR one of main legendaries that will go on the final box art of black and White
Please don't use it if you can avoid it. Myself and others who are trying to post the news for thousands won't be able to get a reliable connection.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Please don't use it if you can avoid it. Myself and others who are trying to post the news for thousands won't be able to get a reliable connection.
Is there another way to watch Pokemon Sunday?

Wow. Weird people coming out of something like a time machine

cool a battle
It would be nice to know where I could watch this. I am interested to see the fifth gen.
I think they will be stupid and show us silhouettes of the starters but who knows? I guess I was planning on seeing the pokemon but like i said before they will just probably show us silhouettes of them.

you guys have to remember they specificly stated starter pokemon so dont think they will be showing eveelutions or evolutions or a pokemon you find in the first grass you walk in.

P.S. No Pokemon is a filler Pokemon
BTW, they said something about 3 and Pokemon Black and White on Pokemon Sunday not too long ago.

I think they are referring about the three starters, too bad I don't understand Japanese.

I cannot confirm if it is this episode or next week's.
I hope to see a prevolution/evolution of an already existing pokemon.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Please don't use it if you can avoid it. Myself and others who are trying to post the news for thousands won't be able to get a reliable connection.

Are you sure that's how the tech works? There didn't seem to be any problems when we all watched the Zoroark silhouette reveal together... Given that Pokebeach and other Pokesites are really geared so much toward forging communities, like most websites, I really like the idea that we can all watch this together as a group, rather than having to rely so much on one individual to do all the work for us.

Edit: The good news, it looks like, is that there are other options for viewing, as Hellmetal has pointed out. Let's all try to use that if it slows down KeyHole, which WPM needs for easily making screencaps. That way, we can all participate without negatively influencing the content for the site.