(1) New Cat Pokemon in BW Special [9/6]

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@zero20: yeah, I complain. So what? It looks like Glameow and it's not my fault if they're making new pokémon similar to previous ones. And I usually complain when things ain't right for me. And this is a forum btw.

No nice posts? You probably don't visit the same sections of this forum that I do...
I have read some post in this thread and... I will laugh when Black and White are released. xD Seriously, there are many people thinking that the fanart of the cat, the three dog-like Pokémon and the evolutions of the starters are fake. I have seen a lot of arguments against the veracity of the information that came from Pokexperto. You talk about what you see and what you saw, and that's right, but it doesn't mean that you have seen everything.

Remember when you trusted WPM when he showed Victiny directly from the cinema? Nobody looked for errors, asked for the sources, created the FIF. The same with Pokexperto at these days, but in this case is a different group of people who can believe, a group that has had different experiences with Pokexperto in the past and speak a different language.

So, if you see a Dark type panther Pokémon numbered 510 that evolves from this cat... See you in Pokexperto for VI gen. :D
well because WPM showed us the video of victini,and that was the proff... where is the proff of the panther???
i dont see any prof of it so till i see it with my eyes ill believe it!!.
What proof did you have about the genuineness of the first Victini image? It could be a fake made by WPM, but nobody thought in that posibility because WPM is WPM! :p I'm trying to say something like that. For another group of fans, Melkor is Melkor, he has proven he is reliable, and that's why some people insist that Pokexperto says the truth. If you don't know him, you can refuse to believe until you see it officially, I understand that.

...But I'm sure you will check out PxP the next gen. ;)
Poor Lucario, it will be fired from Pokémon Sunday. D=
@Naomichi i dont really know its really hard for me to believe that he has the games in his possession right now there's just too much conspiracy.. if hes really that cool he should upload the intro for black/white if he claims to have the game already!!!! lol

to get back on topic; if the cat has stats then he got a spot on my pk black playthrough!!!
Oh silly me i thought you guys were all talking about tabunne i never saw the cat at first i feel stupid. Anyway i'm going for psychic/dark or psychic/ice or Ice/Dark. Also i think this cat might be Zorua's counterpart so it might evolve into a Bipedal Pokemon that has a common hate for Zoroarks.
Whew, Finally got back Online again.

Anyway, The cat is...Purple? Gosh, To think that the Cat is purple, It reminds me of Glameow. Could that Pokemon be the Pre-Evolution? Or maybe no...
Who's that pokemon?


This is just getting silly. -_-
With that purple, im going for Psychic type.

Why are there four monkeys now? There's one with a different pattern to it. Its fake i think.
There are three monkeys with one evolution each one. So there are six, it makes sense; although I think they are too much. =/
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