(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

I dont see what everyones complaining about, the starters are cool. the pigs my least favorite, but hes 10 times as awesome as chimchar is. When i first saw the starters i liked the grass one a lot, an i still do but the water one is growing on me a lot. He sorta looks like a otter snowman to me so i think his final evolution will be water and ice
HikaruAyame said:
That's what the good folks of the internet are for. :D

I'm hesitant on these. I don't immediately hate them and scream 'RUINED FOREVERRRRRRR' but I'm not immediately in love with them, either. I'll just sit back and see how things go.

The female character, however, I now hate. >.< What a hairstyle! And does anyone think that since they've been said to be older, she should have had a bit more... *cough* talent? I mean the tradition of basically flatness made sense when they were 10-12, but if they're older I would have liked the body shape to reflect that a bit more.

Hey this game is still designed for kids, so it probably didn't matter to them. I like both of the charcater's art as they look great. So far Gen V gets two hundred thumbs up!:D
I like the new starters, and my guesses seemed to be fairly accurate. The water type looks like a weird hybrid of a beaver and Frosty the Snowman though ^^; I guess I was right in my assumption that the grass type was some sort of lizard. Hey, it could even be the next Treecko (though to be honest it's gonna be hard to top the little guy)

After waiting two days their here!!!!!

Anyways, I love them... all. this is the first time Ive loved all the starters from first glance.. it will be hard to choose which one!!!

It seems that everything I thought was right, which I think Is good since I wasn't too sure if I was right!
HikaruAyame said:
That's what the good folks of the internet are for. :D

I'm hesitant on these. I don't immediately hate them and scream 'RUINED FOREVERRRRRRR' but I'm not immediately in love with them, either. I'll just sit back and see how things go.

The female character, however, I now hate. >.< What a hairstyle! And does anyone think that since they've been said to be older, she should have had a bit more... *cough* talent? I mean the tradition of basically flatness made sense when they were 10-12, but if they're older I would have liked the body shape to reflect that a bit more.

I actually would of been disappointed if she didn't have that hairstyle. Generation V has a huge emphasis on Urbanization, so I liked the protagonists embody the urban-style. But, different blokes, different strokes.
5th gen looks absolutely brilliant; Tsutaaja is by far my favorite starter period; it looks quite like it could turn into a grass/psychic or a grass/dragon type. I love its base; snake/lizard/thing combination.
Pokabu is decent; I really can't tell until I see its evolutions though, seems somewhat like a fire/dark or fire/fighting.
Mijumaru is pretty awesome; took a second to look it over and realize how cool it is, seems like a water/ice type to me; which would be awesome.

All three of them are unique pokemon; snake-ish-dinosaur-ish thing, a true pig(As spoink and grumpig weren't quadrupeds), and a true otter(Buizel and floatzel are more like weasels then otters; even though otters are in the same family.)
I look forward to their evolutions, which I think will look even more brilliant.

New characters and region seem pretty interesting; love the big city and the male character's jacket.
Still love the {R} type and the {G} type. I hate the {W} type. He looks sad or what. I don't know. I hope a bear. But, I get that. Iuhh... :(
Cronus-TimeWave said:
I actually would of been disappointed if she didn't have that hairstyle. Generation V has a huge emphasis on Urbanization, so I liked the protagonists embody the urban-style. But, different blokes, different strokes.

Well, I don't mind that it's a ponytail. That's good. But the antennae-bits are just weird and her dangly pieces are distracting in a not-good way. Giant blobs waving back and forth isn't something I'd like to watch every time I run.
I love the city, it looks so hi-tech ! And the characters are awesome too, but the new starter pokemon? They kinda bother me a little. I dont know what the grass one is, i love the fire one, but the water reminds me of a clown. I wonder what their sceondary types will be...
Mechanos7 said:
Tsutaaja is by far my favorite starter period; it looks quite like it could turn into a grass/psychic or a grass/dragon type.
All three of them are unique pokemon; snake-ish-dinosaur-ish thing, a true pig(As spoink and grumpig weren't quadrupeds), and a true otter(Buizel and floatzel are more like weasels then otters; even though otters are in the same family.)

that wuld be so cool if he turned out to be grass/dragon! And i pray the pig isnt fire/fighting theyve done that twice now Fire/dark would be much cooler. And i think people need to cool it with the Mijumaru not being original. Even tho otters and weasels are in the same family they look completely different. And youd have to be very close minded to think that Mijumaru and Buizel and floatzel look anything alike
Murcielago said:
And i pray the pig isnt fire/fighting theyve done that twice now Fire/dark would be much cooler.

They've done Fire/Dark too, though. Houndoom. To me it looks more like it'd become Fire/Ground (Fat pig) or Fire/Flying (When pigs fly!) XD

EDIT: Ah, well, true enough. I'll be unhappy with another {f}{r} too. :) I'm hoping for Fire/Flying.
HikaruAyame said:
They've done Fire/Dark too, though. Houndoom. To me it looks more like it'd become Fire/Ground (Fat pig) or Fire/Flying (When pigs fly!) XD

i meant as far as starters are concernd. Blaziken was fire/fighting and Infernape was also fire/fighting
I can tell from the off whats gonna happen in the anime, Ash has the Pig, The girl has the water and the rival has the grass.
Ive grown to all of them, But I sure cannot wait till the concrete names and sprites come out!
I'm happy to report my fears were unfounded. Personally I'm very pleased with them. The more I look at them the more I like them. Would have been a lot better had the pig had little tusks like the fanart but maybe he'll gain them in evolution. XD

I am in love with the female character's hair! The male isn't bad either.. Best one yet in my small opinion.

With 4/5 good lookin' Pokemon I may not be so afraid to see what else gen five is going to bring. Of course, only time will tell... >w>
It seems this time, the pokemon are going to be cuter.. but we cannot tell that until the full pokemon come out!! Also, the sugamori art should hopefully come out after 15th, so I can make my full judgement then!
Just remember... new Pokemon sometimes look horrible at first, but they always grow on you after a while.

This is so true. I used to think Turtwig and Mudkip were ugly pokemon, but then I grew to like them. =D
I love the new trainers. The thought of them being older is great. I also love that both of them look like hard core battlers.
They look pretty neat. My favorite is the grass type, and thats the first time a grass tyoe has been my favorite. I hope the game is awesome and there are alot of new competitive pokemon.