(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Gamebeast101 said:
By the way I don't get why everyone thinks the grass will be dragon. They would never make a part dragon starter. Dragons are meant for pseudo legends and super powerfulls.

Altaria wishes that was ture.

I'll probably be choosing Pokabu.
Why do none of you people know what a sea otter is? Read a book already!

smarter than you,
Gamebeast101 said:
By the way I don't get why everyone thinks the grass will be dragon. They would never make a part dragon starter. Dragons are meant for pseudo legends and super powerfulls.
Charizard who looks just like a dragon and is a starter is not dragon.
I'm quite sure the biggest reason for there never being a part Dragon starter would be that it would lose its weakness to the other starter line. If Charizard was Fire/Dragon, Water-types wouldn't be super effective against it.
I honestly hope they keep the starters pure typed. But if they really really want to make them dual type, I hope we don't get another Fire / Fighting combo.
elite said:
more mature plot? you do know that the majority fan base of pokemon is kids 7-12 right?

I certainly do. I've even argued this point over a few times.

However, why would they put main characters that are older than the target auidence anyway? (I assume they are 15 or so) Why not make the characters the same old 10 year-old they've always had until now? Why not make the character the same age as the average player? (Which is about 9 - 11) If they are doing this for no real reason, this could slightly hurt the amount of buyers among the younger fans, while not doing anything to boost sales among teens and adults.

And again, I am just speculating. As proven times in the past, Pokemon often doesn't change or hype things for no reason. While I'm still doubtful the plot will be upgraded by much, I can still see a bit more of a deeper and interesting story. (Including a few slightly mature elements....but nothing too extreme (and knowing how soft parents are now in the USA, they'll probably be edited out in the American version anyway))