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  1. M

    Cheapest deck

    Well i have not been playing for a while and i was wondering what is the cheapest deck in todays metagame? also i dont like t2 decks even tough they would be my best option if im going fro cheap. But it need to be a deck that can compete with other decks and is not a counter deck against the...
  2. M

    The most fun format ?

    Hello everyone! I have tought about this and i find that i miss the time of DS-on and the old delta cards.. Now what is your tought about this? Wich was the best format of all time ?
  3. M

    How to counter the big duck.. oops sorry penguin

    Well since the new empoleon got out people has gon a little crazy about it.. and because we are evil people we are gonna counter it. but how ?
  4. M

    i wish my metagame was yours... :(

    well i was at the swedish nats yesterday and finished at 4th place with my t2b :) but it was one thing that was not quite as i expected. in seniors there were almost no gg and almost no magmortar. the thing that everyone played was either t2b with lots of techs or honchcrow & darkrai. now how to...
  5. M

    Redshark problems

    ok i have a big problem.. i donwloaded redshark and when i click the ikon it does not happen anything! i tried to re install it but its the same trouble the program just wont start please help me !!!!
  6. M

    Freak out on GG

    Well i had stoped to play pokemon for a year and when i come back then what? The game has been invaded by wimpy litte dolls and thin gardevoir copies!! I know there good but still? isnt it a little to much to say to a total newbie that has come up with something original to change his deck to...
  7. M

    Ruling Best Ralts

    Well this would be an easy question for you people: What is the best ralts?
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    Ruling Holon Mentor

    Can i use holon mentor just to discard bannette ? and not search ?
  9. M

    Ruling Omastar PK question

    lets say i have done 30 damage to a gyarados and then use pull down with my omastar does that kill the magikarp(who was a gyarados)?
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    Ruling Destiny and archtype ??

    what is destiny? And what is an archtype? these are 2 common terms that i have hard to understand... and wich of them is the best?
  11. M

    Ruling sleeping ?

    Is it good or bad tp play so many cards and use pokepowers that your opponent almost falls asleep ? (or like get bored)
  12. M

    Ruling Poke powers?

    Can i use a poke power (Like fearow s poke power ) and retreat after that??