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zekrom deck (zekrom/eels)


Aspiring Trainer
1xSmeargle--CL 21
2xZekrom--BW 114
2xThundurus--EP 97
3xEelektrik--NV 40
4xTynamo--NV 38
1xRaikou-EX - DE 105
1xTornadus-EX--DE 108


4xJunk Arm--TR 87
2xPlusPower--BW 96
2xSKYARROR BRIDGE--next destinies
2xEviolite--NV 91
1xSuper Rod--NV 95
4xDual Ball--CL 78
2xLevel Ball--ND 89
4xProfessor Juniper--BW 101
3xN--NV 101

9xLightning Energy--HGSS 118
3xDOULBE COLORLESS ENERGY-- next destinies

what i changed was this:
-1 raikou EX, +1 tornadus EX
-1 thundurus and pokegear, +2 random receiver
-1 pokemon catcher, +1 mewtwo EX
-3 rescue energy, +3 double colorless energy
- 2 switch, +2 skyarrow bridge
- 1 tornadus, +1 thundurus
so what about this?

Raikou EX 170 HP {L}

When Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Thunder Fang {L}{C} 30
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is Paralysed

Volt Bolt {L}{L}{C}
Discard all {L} Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 100 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon)

Weakness {F} x2

Resistance: none

Retreat Cost:{C}


This is my very first deck post! Just your standard zekrom eelectric deck but i made some of my own changes. I started with 2 Mewtwo-EX and 3 DCE but switched them out for 2 Raikou-EX (from the Dark Explorers set) and 3 Rescue energy. I like how raikou-ex can dump lightning energy while at the same time, sniping for 100. This is enough to take out an opponent's eelectric for example instead of using up a catcher on it.Then you could retreat it and recharge it with eelectric once its on your bench. I havent tested these changes yet, this was just an idea that i liked and thought would work. Of course you could always switch Raikou-EX for the Mewtwo-EX and DCE... so yeah tell me what you guys think :D
-1 raikou EX (1 is enough)
-1 catcher (3 is enough)
-2 PONT (sage's would help too for discarding)
-3 rescue (DCE would be better)

+1 mewtwo (needed as a counter)
+2 sage's (discard)
+1 tornadus EX (counter)
+3 DCE

And if I could find some space I would also
-1 Pokegear (random receiver is better for this deck)
+2 random receiver/skyarrow bridge (helps with smeargle and tynamos)
the reason i didnt add sages training is because i often end up discarding more than i want and discard cards i may need, but i like the idea of skyarrow bridge, i thought of it but i wouldnt know what to take out for them
You're definitely going to need Mewtwo EX. Although nice to have, Thundurus really doesn't do as much as I thought it would when I played it. I ran him for weeks, but in the end, I never really used him that much. I'd rather start charging up a Zekrom or using Smeargle. Saying that, drop the Thundurus for a Mewtwo and another Pokegear.
Or maybe if you really like thundurus, you could drop one and following the previous suggestions I made
-1 Pokegear
-1 thundurus
+2 random receiver

I prefer random receiver more in this deck because you will always get a draw supporter (unless of course you don't have any more in your deck) and also because collector isn't in this deck so you won't have to worry about that either.
here is what you should do
-1 tynamo NV 39
-1 tornadus EP 98

+1 tynamo NV 38
+1 thundurus EP 97

Darkrai ex makes the 30 HP tynamos unplayable. 2 thundurus is good because it is one of the best possible starts.
bluejay1 said:
here is what you should do
-1 tynamo NV 39
-1 tornadus EP 98

+1 tynamo NV 38
+1 thundurus EP 97

Darkrai ex makes the 30 HP tynamos unplayable. 2 thundurus is good because it is one of the best possible starts.

i've never thought of that, tornadus really hasnt been doing much for me, i think this would work better