YourP1MP's Official Server

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If you haven't taken me off the server yet, please do. I Haven't been able to get on lately and I don't know when I'll be able to.
Hello Dr.Emp long time no see. People have been on lately but I will make room. Feel free to join anytime.
pikachu1 said:
I'm on almost everyday, but you kicked me off your network. Why?

No one could vouch for you, which means it had been a while since you played anyone on my network. That counts as inactivity. Just because you are online, does not mean you are on hamachi.
Hey I tried to join (btw my hamachi name's Nic) and it's full can you let me know when something opens up?
I actually tried joining numerous times, but it never worked.
It would just re-appear as if it was not the correct Net ID and Pass?
Bump up to the top. I will be opening up more slots for new players who want to participate in the tournament.
Spots just opened up. Great place for tournament/regional practice. the range of expertly played decks include...
Palkia Lock

Join up now!!:D
Hey. Earlier in the thread, I saw that you scolded someone for not using the modified format. It's been a long time since I've played the pokemon tcg (I stopped shortly after the first neo set release), and I'm not entirely sure what you mean by modified format (yes, exposing my noobness, I know). I would love to join a server in which opponents are online frequently, but I'm wondering: am I allowed to battle with cards from the first generation sets? I recognize that these cards are generally inadequate compared to more recent set releases.
Also--and I apologize for a potentially unrelated queston--do you know of a server for oldheads like me in which the use of first generation cards is required, encouraged, or at least frequent? I am new to the forum as well (as I'm sure you are aware). And if not, could you please send me a PM discussing how I might go about creating such a server? I'm looking for some opponents with which to relive the pokemon battling days of my childhood. :p :)
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