Your cool preferences

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There is no point in simply buying cards.
You can't trade cards without getting some.
You can't play cards without getting some.

Why not all of them?
He's asking which one you like MORE. Not one or the other.

I trade to play. When it comes down to it, I'll buy the cards I need as singles, or boxes. I don't waste money buying packs anymore. I just save the money I'll use for packs, and put them towards a booster box. I love playing the game, which is why I'm always trading. To get better cards for my deck.

Collecting was never really my thing, and for me, it get's boring to have a lot of cards to just stare at and do nothing with them. But that's just me.
I say A, B, and D. I don't really collect....though I can't trade too often either, though it is something I like to do. Sadly, I'm mostly stuck with buying packs, though I have been getting more singles lately.
I try to buy cards as rarely as possible, limiting myself to prereleases and the occasional box when a set is exceptionally good. I get the rest of my cards through trading/borrowing, and only what I need to play with. If I could play without getting any cards at all, I would.
I buy cards but it's only singles and what I need for my deck.
With the cards I play with them so both A and D.
A collector first and foremost. I focus on collecting cards whilst playing with cards I get. I don't for some reason I always regret even simple trades even with doubles. I buy packs for the collection, whilst I bought a few singles (but its hard to find a place which still does that around me), including an Unown G by accident (I wanted to collect the Unowns and bought one...)
So I do everything except B (I do it rarely).
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