Yay or Nay: Haxorus


Aspiring Trainer
Haxorus – Colorless – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Fraxure

[C][C] Double Chop: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.
[C][C][C] Giga Impact: 120 damage. This Pokemon can’t use any attacks during your next turn.

Weakness: none
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

What do you think of this card? Note that he has no weakness.
Its so so.

The card could be better. Even without a weakness, its still pretty slow still.
Haxorus is a tricky pokemon to rate because of its main competion comes from two pokemon that can also do 120 damage for three energy but are both basic pokemon instead of stage 2s. So what does our big lizard get to compensate for being a stage 2?
-It gets no weakness
-It gets no recoil or energy discards for using it's main attack but cant use it repeatedly
-Its main attack can be powered up in two turns with dce
-In order for it to be ohkoed by reshiram or zekrom they need 2 pluspowers attached
I personally think that these pros slightly outweigh it's slops (stage 2 & colorless typing). I think the most important point is being able to get a haxorus out turn 2 hitting for 120 with dce meaning it is actually faster than reshiboar.

Has pretty much an autoloss to Beartic. If you slam for 120, you can't do much afterwards.

EDIT: NVM, I was thinking of Krookodile. But still, pauses are horrible in this game, unless it's a tech.
You could run a Dodrio tech and Switches to retreat to another Haxorus. Of course.. Setting two up along with Dodrio would be a pain.
It can be playable... Maybe a rogue?

EDIT: Maybe splash in some Cinccinos or Zoroark if needed?
The point of rogue is to be a surprise deck that beats the metagame. Not a terrible low tier two-tier three deck. This doesn't beat anything. It's a stage two Zekrom or Reshiram with 10 more HP that abuses DCE, but has a worse drawback. Move on folks, nothing to see here.
i say nay.
no weakness really isnt that big of a deal for dragon types as they are only weak to colorless.(only big colorless attacker would be cinccino in this format)
stage 2 are hardly used unless they provide a critical advantage (emboar's fire dance, magnezone's draw)
and haxorus really doesnt bring anything new to the table
I say yay for fun/league play, but nay for competition/tournament play.

nothing in this format could tech in other than dodrio to allow this thing to stand up again anything in meta, so it's out for competition, but I'd love to play this as a fun deck...I'd probably sacrifice a cleffa or smeargle starter then tank with reshiram or zekrom (probably zekrom) to outrage/possible bolt strike and stall until I get my guys set up, then it's party time. might even just leave zekrom out there to die without attacking because I'd be busy putting energies on haxorus. could work, but your opponent would basically get 2 free prizes and be just as set up as you....sounds like a fun challenge to me but illogical for competition.
It's not amazing, but it's not terrible, either.
I'd much rather use Bouffalant as a Zekrom counter and Ampharos Prime/Zoroark as a Reshiram counter.
you could abuse switch or dodrio to keep using giga impact or you could pair this with metagross for free retreat and another good poke but metagross is a stage 2
It cant pull its weight in a deck, 120 for 3 and a horrible drawback, a possible 100 for 2. Its just too slow
I like Haxorus a lot. What people here are overlooking is no weakness. What your Pokemon are weak to plays such a huge part in this format, this thing will be difficult to counter. Double Chop is an ok back up attack, but the main thing is Giga Impact. Think Garchomp C. Play Switch, SSU, Dodrio, and you will be able to find a way to Giga Impact almost every turn. If you know that you don't have the resources in hand to retreat out of Giga Impact, then you should Double Chop. For just a second, imagine having two Haxorus and a Dodrio out. While I doubt this thing will be a huge part of the Metagame, I do expect it to be a highly effective Rogue if it is built right and played well. With having no elemental weakness, being able to abuse techs that can utilize DCE such as Bouffalant, Zekrom and Reshiram, and having a large base damage attack, I could see Haxorus posing a threat many decks in the format.
^We have Reshiram and Zekrom, which are basics. And they only have 10 less HP. And the drawback isn't as bad. Sure, they have a Weakness, but the pros outweigh the cons. Swarm is worth it. And as far as getting 2 Haxorus and a Dodrio out, good luck doing that in this format... Reshiboar and Zekrom/Pachi/Shaymin will have run over you by the time you can do that. Not to mention MagneBoar, which can OHKO you without getting OHKOd back.
See the main problem I see with most of the critiquing in this thread is you are basing your ideas on the format we have now rather than the format we will have next season which is the first place that Haxorus is legal for play. I think that it can be quick enough and the weakness-less is enough of a bonus to make it good, however there will likely be better things to come along than it as we havent seen everything in red collection yet. All in all it could be great if you do it right or horrible if you dont, just like every big deck that has ever been used.
When I first saw this card, I was thinking nay. However, I'm changing my mind to a neutral state instead, and here's why:
1. It's Energy requirements are colorless, meaning that it can be very versatile when finding the right techs for it. In addition, doesn't that [CCC] cost just scream for a DCE and Rescue Energy? I thought so.
2. It's not reliant on a supportive pokemon cast, meaning there's nothing to be Catchered up to cripple it. Yes, Dodrio could be used, but it's not required. Switches and Junk Arms could just as easily do the job.
3. The extra bulk is welcome, and the absense of a weakness is pretty huge in this format, as mentioned before.
4. It has turn 2 potential.

I might see it being combo'd with Vileplume and Dodrio to block Catcher, stop PlusPowers, and avoid Lost Removers. Zoroark could be a decent tech to deal with Reshirams and Zekroms with it's ability to abuse special Darkness Energies, and can turn Beartic's Sheer Cold against it. It's underrated to say the least, as it has more potential than many are letting it on to have. Whether it can make the competitive scene, though, remains to be seen.