Xerosic’s Plan, Malamar from “Night Wanderer”

The format needs more hand killing, hands have been out of control for a while now. I like that we’re getting a lot of new options for disruption from these newer trainers beyond the basic N/Judge prototype
PTCG Card Designers: So hear us out: we wanted hand trimmer to be an S-Tier card, right? But you don’t play it, and we’re very unhappy about that. So now we’re making it discard more cards. Oh, and it’s one sided. Have fun guys <3
Xerosic is a pretty nutty supporter, but I think it fights a slot with Eria.

Malamar is neat, and while I don't think Malamar/Xerosic alone could be an archetype that stands on its own, in the correct Dark shell these dastardly duo could be a surprise finisher and/or extra gusting with an upside. Maybe pair with Gengar ex or Arbox/Clodsire ex. Decks that can't clearly one-shot other decks but has an innate disruption gameplan.
Amoongus gonna be good but there is problem how to search it in to your hand without opponent notice it😅 Forest Seal Stone or Pidgeot ex works if deck plays either of those
Yk, letting the opponent know you have an amoongus ready in your hand is probably not a bad thing lol (with the exception of grabber ig)
Yk, letting the opponent know you have an amoongus ready in your hand is probably not a bad thing lol (with the exception of grabber ig)
They need to have Grabber in their hand. They can't search it out with Arven if they plan to play Xerotic
They need to have Grabber in their hand. They can't search it out with Arven if they plan to play Xerotic
The mere fact you wasted an UB for amoongus is like Xerosicing yourself by trading 3 for 1 uselss card.

Xerosic did a whole lot in that scenario aswell. Luxray ex will just pick apart other pieces remaining if you did that.