Wi-Fi Trades X war X My player thread! UPDATES! NEW LEGENDS AND SHINIES!

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x war x


My Friend Code:0344-8136-3412
AIM: PokeBeachWebsite
Yahoo: N/A
Contact Time: My contact time is all over the place, i have baseball alot but will respond no matter what.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

* Torterra, level 36 Timid nature.
* Steelix, level 51 Calm nature.
* Phione, level 55 Adament nature.
* Sceptile, level 50 Gentle nature.
* Cacturne, level 52 Hasty nature.
* Infernape, level 51 Quirky nature.
* Alakazam, level 47 Relaxed nature.
* Mamoswine, level 34 Quiet nature.
* Drifblim, level 32 Careful nature.
* Banette, level 52 Mild nature.
* DUsknoir, level 52 Adament nature.
* Hitmontop, level 55 Adamant nature.
* Hitmonchan, level 67 Calm nature.
* Kingdra, level 40 Jolly nature.
* Ampharos, level 51 Calm nature.
* snorlax, level 49 Calm nature.
* Houndoom, level 50 Gentle nature.
* Arcanine, level 100 Timid nature.
* Dusknoir, level 52 adament nature.
* Steelix, level 51 Calm nature.
* Umbreon, level 100 ev'd Sassy nature.
* Nidoking, level 72 Bold nature.
* Milotic, level 70 Impish nature.
* Spiritomb, level 1 Careful nature.
* Jumpluff, level 27 Serious nature.
* Rampardos, level 33 Gentle nature.
* Cresselia, level 50 Quiet nature.

Legends and EVENTS=====================

* Cresselia, level 50 Quiet nature.
* TRU shaymin, level 50 Naughty nature.
* Azelf, level 50 Adament nature.
* Manaphy level 100, Careful nature.
* Mespirit level 100, Timid nature.
* Dialga level 100, Modest nature.
* Dialga level 47 Timid nature.
* Phione level 55, Adament nature.
* Rotom level 15, Quirky nature.
* Rayquaza level 100, Serious nature.
* Giratina level 100, Bold nature.
* Rayquaza level 70, Hardy nature.
* Regigigas level 100, Jolly nature.
* SHINY latias level 100, Gentle nature.
* SHINY Dialga level 100, Modest nature.
* SHINY giratina level 70, Naughty nature.
* SHINY Rayquaza level 100, Bold nature (hacked)

POKEMON I WANT=======================

* Scizor, with good EV's.
* Espeon, non-ev'd or Ev'd dont care.
* Squirtle, lowest level possible.
* Bulbasaur, lowest level possible.
* Gallade, good EV's
* Electrivive, good EV's
* Magmorter, good EV's
* Yanmega, any
* Articuno, any
* Umbreon, Good EV's
* Slowking, Good EV's

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

* Fire stone x9
* Moon stone x2
* Claw fossil x4
* Skull fossil x12
* Helix fossil x2
* Hard stone x26
* Nugget x3
* Smoke ball x1
* Thunderstone x29
* Damp rock x4
* Soft sand x1
* Water stone x11
* Leaf stone x7
* Icy rock x8
* Iron ball x3
* Everstone x25
* Sun stone x23
* Heat rock x10
* Old amber x801

ITEMS I WANT=========================

* Leftovers x10
* Azura flute, if it's even possible to trade it.


* I am breeding alot now and can try and breed somthing you would like.
i have mostly been breeding starters if you would like starters let me know. thanks

shinies coming soon! let me know of what shinies you want and ill try and chain or obtain them.

* starly
* barboach
* charizard ( pimpin cha )
* feraligator
* 10th anniv. shiny suicune
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

Hi, and welcome to Pokebeach! It would help if you posted what you have to offer for those Pokemon. Check out the Emporium and see if you like anything (click on the trainer card in my sig).
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

i have a porygon z, probopass, and mamoswine, wat do u offer?
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

im looking for shines if u have any, just offer and i mite want it.
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

let me look and ill tell u a list

RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

114 attack
95 defence
134 sp.att
91 sp.def
110 speed
and it's lvl 50
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

yea i think i do but its an egg. gimme a few mins to hatch it
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

idn if i hav anything else u want, but can i see armaldo's stats?
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

ya and do u have phione? or elective or umm gallade?
RE: trading open to all and open for trade!

k i gotsta hatch it first

this is taking waaaaay too long can i just trade u the egg? i guarantee its a phione
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