Writing Writing Exercises: Alternate Ending


Chronically tired
Writing Exercises - Session #1: Alternate Ending

Hello there! Welcome to the first of many writing exercises that will be hosted in the Writing Cafe. Every second or third week, a writing exercise will be hosted and it will be left open for all interested members to discuss in and attempt at the exercise for an average duration of two - three weeks. The purpose of these exercises is to allow or give writers, such as yourself, a chance to further explore and develop their own style of writing.

If anyone of you have any ideas for future writing exercises, don't hesitate to PM me.

Without further adieu, let us start Session 1!

Rules and Information

1) Do not flame, bash, or harass any member about their posts.

2) Do not make shallow, or spammy posts.

3) Lastly, have fun!

Session 1 - Alternate Ending

Pick up a favourite story or book and review the ending of the written piece. Then, write up an alternate ending for it. Once you've finished, proofread it for any spelling and grammar mistakes, while adding in and tweaking a few things as you see it fit. Post it here for members to critique and discuss.