Worst card in SV

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Lou Cypher said:

10 less HP, no trample damage.

You got pwned by this cutie

eh yeah.. they are both flat out jokes
at least floatzel only has 1 retreat cost.. so if you for some ridiculous reason had him in your deck and active and then you realize he shouldn't be there you can retreat
arcanine's 3
an anchor till death
crm103top08 said:

For sure, is one of the worst.

true dat but at least the art is amazing lol

No drapion in the set. Does nothing for 1 energy. For 2 it does what most cards of that kind do for 0. for 3 it has a 50/50 chance of doing 0. And it only has 50 HP.
Oh, for crying out loud. SPINDA as a RARE? C'mon now! It's TERRIBLE! Even the art stinks! I wouldn't mind Arcanine or Drifblim as Uncommons...because they're just Uncommons. Who cares about them unless they're decent? But a SPINDA!? They ruin the pack!
I'll pick the Zapdos reprint. Sure, I'll do 30 damage for 3. Wait? I have to flip a coin. If tails, I put a big dent in my already low 70HP. I've just lost control of the car
The whole set.

The agreement: a lot of SV sucks. No discussional value left.


dmaster out.
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