Wi-Fi Trades Winter's Emporium, now Closed! Please look for my new joint shop with SilverWolverine

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RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

Alright, which would you like? Also, did you get the Poketranfer yet?
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

Okie dokie

Also list updated with a bunch of Level 1 Poke's I got from some Japanese people on the GTS with a bunch of egg moves! Most of them are starters~
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

I have a Gamestop Jirachi and a shiny scizor lvl 1 i'll trade for the dratini
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

ill trade you whatever you want for ash's pikachu. im also wondering if you know anybody that has keldeo, meloetta, and genesect for trade.
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

@Eevee: Sure thing! ^__^ Just let me know your friend code and name on the game and I'll add you. Feel free to shoot me a PM~

@Death: I didn't see a list anywhere >_< Just let me know what all you have to offer and hopefully we can work something out =D
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

well i have all legendaries from gen1 to gen 4. i also have all starters except black and white starters, and i have just about every other pokemon from previous gens. i also have a male zorua that im willing to trade and i also have the event raikou and entei for the zoroark event. i seariously want tornardus. but i also really really really really want the three pokemon that are after kyurem. :p i just love legendaries.
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

You wouldn't happen to have a spare Mew would you? =P If not, some Pokes that I would be interested in are things like Articuno, Mesprite, Azelf, anything shiny, that event Raikou, and anything else you think is kinda interesting XD
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

yes i have a level 100 shiny mew. but if you want it non shiny or at a different level then i can do that too. :p also, know any way to get the other three pokemon i asked for?
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

they'll be released at a later date via events, because they're not even available in Japan yet. And yeah, Shiny Mew is good for me! My FC is on my first post, and it's for my White version. My user name in game is Winter. Let me know when you're ready to trade ^_^ Also I'll need your FC and in game name
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

ok well i know that but somebodies gotta have them from ar or pokesave. :p and i will post it later ok.
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

i probably wont be on till tomorrow becuase i dont have wi fi at my house. :p i gotta use my friends sometime tomorrow.but my fc is 4770-7076-6204 and my name in pokemon white is zero.
RE: Looking for Jirachi~ and other things =3

Okay, just send me a message when you get online. I'll be online till around 4 or 5 pm eastern time
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