Who Likes Shaman King?


That's hardcore.
Alot of people have never heard of it, many people compare it to more popular mangas/animes, but in my eyes, it is the best of the best.  If you looked into many of the aspects of the story, like dowsing (Lyserg), you will find that most of these things exist in real life.  Plus, as you read (or watch) on, there is a deeper, more complex meaning to it than just fighting and beating up a freaky snake guy(*cough*Naruto!*cough*).  The English anime ruined it though, so it was not succesful in the 'States.  The Japanese anime was shorter than the manga, which spans a much longer period of time.  Post if you like Shaman King or know of good sites!

(I do like Naruto though:p)
Hi.  Yes yes, you know me. Shaman King is so cool!!!  You know Faust is the best.  You know it....what's your favourite chapter?
TheNextShamanKing said:
I don't know what chapter it is, but I like the Horohoro's stirring tale saga, part 1-3.

Yes, yes.  Volume 11.  That's a good one.  Naturally, my favourite chapters were in Volumes 5-6, the Faust ones: from "Backbone" to "Faust Love".
Mewtwo_93 said:
I like, Amidamaru, Anna, it is a good show :)

Yes, I agree.  Have you ever heard of/read the manga?  That's even better than the show because, get this, for those of you know whom I am talking about, they gave Tao Ren a British accent instead of Lyserg in the anime. (and then they gave Ryu a Spanish one! >.<)

Tao Ren : Chinese
Lyserg : British

That's messed up.  Anyway, I still like it, though.  One of my favourites...up there with Naruto and Death Note.

A very good site for Shaman King is Shaman King HQ.net and it's so cool.  You can do a lot there.
I agree with T. A. Dr. F., the anime got screwed up. The Japanese one is okay, though. If you saw the show before the manga, it would be okay (I guess...), but after reading the manga, you would realize superiority.;)
TheNextShamanKing said:
I agree with T. A. Dr. F., the anime got screwed up.  The Japanese one is okay, though.  If you saw the show before the manga, it would be okay (I guess...), but after reading the manga, you would realize superiority.;)

Yes.  Very true indeed.  Herr Takei (for those of you unfamiliar with the German language, Herr is Mr.) is an extremely skilled artist and writer, and his work is truly amazing.  Very good.  Very, VERY good.

Oh, a question:

If Horo-Horo was so serious, it seemed, in the "Horo-Horo's Stirring Tale" parts 1-3, then how come he seems...eh...less mature in the chapters that follow?  I guess he'd grown from that...stell dir das mal vor. (Go figure)

P.S.>call me Dr. Faust. ;) Unless, of course, you come across another Dr. Faust. :p

(Oh, and no, I am not German.  I just like to keep Faust's language in usage. ^_^)