Which Version Of Megaman Starforce 3 Is Better?

Which Version is Better?

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The Rising Star
I'm obtaining a copy of Megaman Starforce 3 this week, but I'm not too sure which version to get.

On paper, all of the exclusive noise forms from each version work the same as one from the other, and the only difference I care about for the ones on the cover (I've seen the info on both, I would be fine with either of the two) is that the Black Ace one looks cooler.

Basically, which version of the game is better, and what's the best noise form. It's been a question on my head since the game was released in Japan.

Please give reasoning.
z-man said:
Neither. The game is garbage.
He can play what he wants to play, garbage or not. What's so wrong with that? I'd like you to explain how this game is garbage, as well.

Anyway, I'm not too sure what the differences are(if any), but if you can't decide, just let the coin decide for you.
Heads, go with Black Ace. Tails, turn away Red Joker. :D
Don't listen to Z-Man: the game is incredibly addicting annd fun, especially if you are a fan of the other games.

I got Black Ace, but I personally think that Red Joker is a better Finalized form than Black Ace. Status Guard and Super Armor > Omni Shoes, at least in my opinion.

It is also notable that no Noise form is exclusive to either version, other than Black Ace and Red Joker: they are just harder to get in the other version. In this respect, I feel that the common Noise forms in Black Ace are better.

Still, either way you are getting a very quality game. Be sure to check my Brother Band thread after you get it! ;) *shameless plug*
darksoulSP said:
It is also notable that no Noise form is exclusive to either version, other than Black Ace and Red Joker: they are just harder to get in the other version.

I knew that one. It's just close enough to game-specific.
burnpsy said:
darksoulSP said:
It is also notable that no Noise form is exclusive to either version, other than Black Ace and Red Joker: they are just harder to get in the other version.

I knew that one. It's just close enough to game-specific.

Mmhmm. I also have to agree with Forte, that the Black Ace Gigas are better in general. Gemini Noise, a VERY popular Noise, is found more in BA. What Noises you think are better are just a matter of an opinion, though. In the end, it's whatever you think is worth it.
I preferred Black Ace, but had to get Joker because it was the only version they had and it was the last copy. Doesn't really matter.
Incidentally, what did Forte mean by "folder"? If he means what I think it does, I don't get how it's possible for one to be better than the other...

EDIT: LOL. Post Count = Birth Year xD
fortegoddx said:
yeah. hope you get the game and B band with us.

Thursday. Even then, I'm going to finish the main story before BrotherBanding. The use of the BrotherBand before completing the story ruined SF1&2 for me by making it too easy. -__-
black ace is good for defense with mu barrier every 2 steps you take you get a barrier
red joker is mostly offensive between dreadlaser destroymissl oxtackle
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
black ace is good for defense with mu barrier every 2 steps you take you get a barrier

Erm... That's the Rogue Noise! xD

Anyways, I'm still still half and half on the version, so I'm just going with the poll or a coin flip, I dunno yet.
No, Lucario means the BA Giga Card Mu Barrier. It is VERY powerful! o_O

And yeah, either way, you are getting one heckova game! :p
darksoulSP said:
No, Lucario means the BA Giga Card Mu Barrier. It is VERY powerful! o_O

And yeah, either way, you are getting one heckova game! :p


Of course, the Giga Cards from the opposite version is sealed off from you if you get the other one, right? Do they still have that restriction on trading?
To be honest, I am not sure, as you can nno onger trade on WiFi, and npbpdy I physically know has it. I would assume you can trade the IDA Giga Cards, however, as you can get an infinite amount of those, provided you are lucky.