Discussion When to play N?


Aspiring Trainer
Hello fellow Beachbums,

I have identified a few "keys" to look for when playing an N is a good decision, but I am thinking that there are some other ones out there that I haven't thought of yet. Here are my general rules of thumb as to when to play an N - or when NOT to:

I should play an N IF:

  1. Opponent plays Hoopa and grabs a Mega but didn't / couldn't evolve it during his turn.
  2. Opponent plays Skyla or puzzle of time and grabs a supporter or some other card but didn't / couldn't play it during his turn
  3. I am way behind in prize cards.
  4. On turn 1 if I go first and opponent hasn't had a chance to touch his or her cards yet.
I should NOT play an N IF:

  1. My opponent didn't play an energy card in his last turn.
  2. My opponent has only a couple of cards in his or her hand.
So the second category (when NOT to play N) is where I think that there are other keys to look for as leading indicators as to when not to play N, but my brain doesn't really think that way very well and I'm sure there are other keys out there that I'm just not thinking of. Any suggestions / ideas would be greatly appreciated.