Pokemon What started you with Pokemon?

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War Games Elite #1
I was just wondering who or what started you or got you interested in Pokemon??Please just leave a post here!? So everyone can know how you strated with pokemon!
it was love at first sight. the first ever pokemon i saw was beedrill( i saw its picture on a text card). when i saw the first gen pokemons, i was mesmerized! the pokemons were wonderful! the series was worth watching. evrybody is talking about it! then i started collecting pokemon cards, coz it was a craze in our school..and the rest is history...:D
well...i start loving pokemon when my sister bought me a DVD with the first movie in which i saw blastoise and thats all...
I started pokemon when I played my first pokemon game, Pokemon Crystal Version. It was the first video game I ever played. Then on the day after I got my Crystal version, I was sitting on the couch playing it and changing channels, I was a wormlike creature that was green. I knew at first site it was a pokemon. Then a boy appeared holding a red and white ball. And I knew it was a pokemon, using my knowledge from the game. I fell in love with pokemon. Now my whole life is about pokemon. Pokemon websites, Pokemon games, Pokemon Shows, Pokemon Tcg, ect. I am even the Pokemon Genius of my school.
I started pokemon when I played my first pokemon game, Pokemon Crystal Version.  It was the first video game I ever played.  Then on the day after I got my Crystal version, I was sitting on the couch playing it and changing channels, I was a wormlike creature that was green.  I knew at first site it was a pokemon.  Then a boy appeared holding a red and white ball.  And I knew it was a poke ball, using my knowledge from the game.  I fell in love with pokemon.  Now my whole life is about pokemon.  Pokemon websites, Pokemon games, Pokemon Shows, Pokemon Tcg, ect.  I am even the Pokemon Genius of my school.
Thats a great topic!? Okay well.. i first remember that i was sick and i was lying in bed when my mum came home and she hired a video which of course was Pokemon Volume 1 Gotta Catch 'Em All! and i watched it and like a drug i was hooked on it! The First Pokemon that sticks in my memory from that would have to be caterpie because it was inthe episode hehe starnge ay well thats the story! xD
Pokemon yellow version got me hooked. Followed by the cards and TV show. I've been with Pokemon sence its creation in some sence.
the first episode of the anime got things heated up for me, and since then i got stuck to my " i-wanna-have-a-pokemon-too " fantasies...hehe thats all i got
My friend showed me his cards back when we were 5. He gave me Charmander & Charmeleon cards. He's grown out of it but it's still the biggest thing in the world to me! I hope I never grow out of Pokemon.
Come on guys you have to keep the coments coming in so we all
know what started you with pokemon!!??:D
I was in 1st grade when pokemon hit america and I remember everyone wanted it so I tryed it and loved it!
In Gr. 1 everybody else had Pokemon cards so I needed some too. I went to the dollar store and bought any booster pack there was. And then in grade 3 my friend lent me red version and that summer I got Pokemon Ruby version. In grade four I found Pokebeach and that summer I got Pokemon Emerald and FireRed for my birthday. And in a couple of days I'm gonna get Pokemon Diamond!
I remember the exact place where I got my first pack! It was in a restraunt and when I opened it I was soo happy. I got a venusaur!
My Uncle had a copy of Pokemon Pinball and Red Version. That Christmas I got both of them. That's what got me hooked.
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