What is the best Unown pokemon card?

yeah, most decks play ME, I can really help your deck, LOL
here's my list:
1) Q can help in multi-type energy decks
2) M really helps in evolution decks, now more since jirachi is rotated out
3) E can be useful in a lot of decks
4) I can really annoy your opponent
5) N can let your unown that you don't need anymore become a stall against a net-so-much-damage deck
RE:  What is the best Unown pokemon card?

cute-mew said:
yeah, most decks play ME, I can really help your deck, LOL
here's my list:
1) Q can help in multi-type energy decks
2) M really helps in evolution decks, now more since jirachi is rotated out
3) E can be useful in a lot of decks
4) I can really annoy your opponent
5) N can let your unown that you don't need anymore become a stall against a net-so-much-damage deck

thanks, I think Q,I, and M will help, do you think unown B or V is good?
RE:   What is the best Unown pokemon card?

ry said:
cute-mew said:
yeah, most decks play ME, I can really help your deck, LOL
here's my list:
1) Q can help in multi-type energy decks
2) M really helps in evolution decks, now more since jirachi is rotated out
3) E can be useful in a lot of decks
4) I can really annoy your opponent
5) N can let your unown that you don't need anymore become a stall against a net-so-much-damage deck

thanks, I think Q,I, and M will help, do you think unown B or V is good?
they take to many energy, and I doubt that you'll ever need them
cute-mew said:
4) I can really annoy your opponent

But yeah, your suggestions are right on the mark. I just wish I pulled more than justan Unown R :(
Hmmm,let me see--->i prefer unown L but the best is unown M :p

Squad of Unowns!!!!
Stupid idea...
This forum is for asking questions on rulings for cards. Therefore, this belongs in the TCG Discussion forum. Now moving...
L and B are great this format...think of how big hands will be with the lack of hand shuffleing....in fact...*goes and adds B to deck*
well, I is good for annoying decks ( polistall, mew + xxx ...)

and M is good for maybe.... heavy evo decks ( rock lock, metanite? , ...)