what do you think the new names are?

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Strife Unanimous Strive on Animous
what do you think the english names are for the new pokemon

example: pre ev for chansey: pransey

could the pre ev for roselia be called bulbia
here are all the names that I expect to change with some possibilities, the ones that are left out are the ones that I expect to stay the same, like manaphy :F
chansey-prevo= egsey
buzz evo= elecable or electrabull
rosa prevo= rosa or rosera
reosa evo= rosebush or rosereidu
parrot= perap
diargua= diamond
parukia= parearl
squirrel= I don't know =S
cherimu= charmia
korobushi= korobush
korinka (lion)= lionka =S
cat= elicat
dinosaurs: ???
pineapple= pileaf =S
plant= matutant (mutant, mature and plant =S)
bird= mukuri
grass starter= sprouturt
fire starter= hotazura =S
water starter= pingama =S
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