what card is the most confusing?

None are really confusing to me, so I guess it's just Neo Discovery Dark Crobat...
Heh heh heh heh...

Fossil Ditto is notorious for giving judges and players headaches, at times:

Q. Ditto copying Brock's Ninetales. Shapeshift's Power states that "doesn't count as evolving". Therefore, since you're technically not evolving, Ditto can say become a Blastoise without the ability to Rain Dance water Energy right? What happens when I Knock Out Brock's Ninetales and Blastoise is still on Ditto? Does Ditto remain as Blastoise? Does the Blastoise card get discarded? Will Ditto (also Blastoise) be Knocked Out? Does the attached card stay on Ditto (out of play though) if his Pokemon Power is somehow turned off?
A. Brock's Ninetales' Shapeshift doesn't let you evolve, just 'attach'. If Ditto Knock Outs Brock's Ninetales, Ditto will no longer have Shapeshift and will revert to being Ditto. That would be the same as shutting off the [Shapeshift] power. The Blastoise card gets discarded. This has been clarified for your enjoyment:). (Oct 12, 2000 WotC Chat, Q20 & Q105; May 10, 2001 WotC Chat, Q101 & Q105)

Just use your browser's find/search function to look for "Transform", and enjoy...

Snorlax from RG: http://pokebeach.com/sets/exfireredandleafgreen.html

Read it's second attack.
RE:  what card is the most confusing?

Lord9511 said:
Snorlax isn't SO confusing.

Let me explain.

"While you are asleep you cannot attack. This attack can only be used if Snorlax is asleep. Snorlax can use this attack even if it is asleep."

See what I mean?
I would say pineco from the first neo set because it tells you to flip a coin twice and it is a misprint.:)
RE:  what card is the most confusing?

gust of wind said:
How many damage counters!?!


I think it is 2, GODZILLA.

Anyways, Dark Crobat from NEO DESTINY means that you flip coins for every pokemon your opponent has. Basically, you choose one of them, one by one, then flip a coin, if heads, the attack does 10 damage to that pokemon.
After the attack, you count how many heads you got, then remove that many damage counters from Dark Crobat. Understand????

Now for Snorlax FRLG.

According to the pokemon TCG rules, you CAN'T attack when you're asleep. But, snorlax breaks this rule. It says that you actually CAN attack when you're asleep. Being able to cure 2 damage counters from snorlax also makes this card quite broken.

I've seen people getting mixed up with 2 pokemon, dodrio from HL and snorlax Mentioned above.
The original team rocket grimer because the attack poison gas says put the defending pokemon to sleep and it is supposed to be poisoned.:)
If anyone has any cards that are confusing to them or didn't know that it was eratta'ed, please PM me and I'll help you.

Anyways, I guess nintendo has been making some errors, hah??
Well, I don't really care, hanks to the error cards, I manage to earn lotsa money as I sell them.

RE:   what card is the most confusing?

armaldoEX said:
I've seen people getting mixed up with 2 pokemon, dodrio from HL and snorlax Mentioned above.
Well, if the rule says one thing and the card says another, the card always wins.
If you cant understand a part of a card since the wording is difficult then simply look on the Compendium as it has all the rulings since someone else would most likely have already asked about it. If it's not there since noone asked it... then you're just not as textually knowledgeable, or you found/asked it 1st.