DPPt/HGSS Weegee Time! Weegees player thread

do you like my menu/

  • yes its full of thing

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • no I cold find anything I liked

    Votes: 3 33.3%

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RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

i will give you all three regi's and a totidile for the abra.if not then i will throw in a evee.
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

ok but its not a good nature. I dont need regice.
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

ok let me get ready...ok well can i give you a feraligatr and then you breed for totadile?everything else is ready...(i thought i had an evee sorry.

fc:5112 1417 0276
name:lukas (capital)
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

ok then I need to catch bidoofs.
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

just two ok any lv. and nickname trade slave .EDIT: i have to leave soon so please please please hurry and forget about the nicknames.
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

i'll trade you a legit SHINY LATIOS for your manaphy if you can get on soon
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

conoscenza said:
lol okay, can you trade gimme like 10 mins to clone it then trade back?

i dont understand
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

there is a gts method to cloning on pearl that i can use. most people clone, trade me the manaphy you can hold my shiny LATIOS while i do it as collaterol. then i will give you two manaphys back and keep one for myself, so when we trade back, trade me my latios back then and get one junk low lvl pokemon so i can give you two manaphys back
RE: ZOIDBURGS Player Thread

I trade latios for manaphy
then you clone the manaphy
then trade the manaphy for some crappy thing so it would seem like we accually traded?
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